What's in YOUR Fleet?

Show off your fleet!
Share your collection of ships with the guild, explain why your ships are your ships and compare your fleet with others here.

Be sure to keep a single post with your fleet and any updates should be edits to that post. That way every member has a single post with a history of their fleet while they are with OTG.
And it keeps the thread clean too :wink:


06-26-2016, 09:35 AM
Cim Taurusā€™ Fleet (8/19/16)

Cim Taurusā€™ fleet (aka Simdor)

UEE Exploration Pack
Carrack LTI
Terrapin LTI
Dragonfly Black LTI

Banu Merchantman (2yr insurance)

Caterpillar LTI (combo pack)
Yellow Dragonfly LTI
Black Dragonfly LTI

Two Pack Dragonfly LTI (upgraded)
Freelancer LTI (from Dragonfly Yellowjacket in double pack)
Hornet Ghost LTI (from Dragonfly Black in double pack)

Cutlass Pirate Pack (LTI with bonus tractor beam, docking color and pirate skin)

Bucaneer LTI

Prospector LTI

Reliant KORE (temp ship, will melt in future)

I started in SC with only the Aurora MR base package, and stuck with that for over a year. Later, when the Arena Commander was upgraded, and Hangars were upgraded, I got the itch to try bigger and better ships. I went through numerous upgrades trying just about every ship in the game. I finally settled on the Hornet Ghost as my go to fighter. That was my only ship for about 6 months until the 2015 anniversary sale caused, er I mean allowed me to expand.

That was the beginning of a steady trend of fleet growth until I reached a point where I needed to prioritize ships by role and reduce my fleet to only the ships I ā€œneededā€ to fill those roles. I quickly fell in love with the Freelancer and then after it went flight ready I was completely hooked. This is the experience I was looking for in SC, and it will be my primary single player go to ship when the game goes live as of now. Below I list the role and reason for each of the ships in my fleet.

Carrack - Crew Exploration, Flagship
Merchantman - Trade, Smuggling, Cargo
Caterpillar - Modular Mobile Support Unit, Smuggling
Freelancer - Personal Transportation, Cargo, Smuggling
Cutlass - SAR or something
Buccaneer - Fighter, Smuggling
Prospector - Mining, Smuggling
Terrapin - SAR and Solo Exploration
Dragonflies - I will keep a couple of these on the Caterpillar and probably one on the Freelancer and maybe one on the Cutlass. They are small, great personal transportation for on planet and good for scouting without having to bring your vessel into range of potential danger. I am also holding on to a pair of them to gift to my sons. The rest are for LTI upgrades of anything I purchase in the future. Most of them are sitting in buy back now.

**- I am waiting to see how the Cutlass rework goes. I expect that CIG is going to knock it out of the park with the new Cutlass as a way of making it up to early Cutlass buyers. So this ship will be my ā€œwait and seeā€ and if it turns out that the rework is meh, I will turn it into a Red and use it as an ambulance when my Caterpillar is in mobile med unit mode.

- Last Updated (9-14-16)

- Decided to add an image of current fleet and update that rather than constantly showing a new list. Just easier for me that way. So here is what is in my Hangar right now:

**(10/20/16) Updated againā€¦

OK so the anniversary sale got me again this year and I added a fair amount to my fleet once again.
Here is the line up at this time, though it will likely change slightly at the holiday sale at the end of the year.
UEE Exploration Pack (Carrack, Terrapin, Dragonfly Black) LTI
Endeavor HOPE (Base Endeavor, Hangar module, Med bay module) 48 mos
Caterpillar Dragonfly Combo pack (Caterpillar, Dragonfly Yellow, Dragonfly Black) LTI
Banu Merchantman LTI
Redeemer LTI
Prospector LTI
Buccaneer LTI
Cutlass Black Pirate Pack (Cutlass Black, Skull and Crossbones Skin, Docking Collar, Tractor Beam) LTI
Herald LTI
Reliant MAKO news van LTI
Combo Ride Together pack (Dragonfly Yellow, Dragonfly Black) LTI
5 individual 85x LTI (keeping one, rest are LTI tokens for later)
P-72 Archimedes LTI
CCU Constellation Taurus to Freelancer MIS
Gladius (Referral Reward) 6 mos

Thatā€™s it for now. Two ships I have had on my wish list for a while now got added to the fleet (Redeemer, Endeavor Hope) but I lost my Freelancer, Aquila and Ghost in the process. I will replace the Freelancer with a MIS using the CCU I have later, and will likely pick up another Aquila over the next year or so. As for the Ghost, I think I may just use the freebie Gladius I got for the 10 referrals and see how the Buccaneer turns out. All told my total is now over $2600, which is insane when I think about it, so I try not too.

Until the holiday saleā€¦

New fleet line up:
UEE Exploration Pack (Carrack, Terrapin, Dragonfly Black) LTI
Endeavor HOPE (Base Endeavor, Hangar module, Med bay module) 48 mos
Caterpillar Dragonfly Combo pack (Caterpillar, Dragonfly Yellow, Dragonfly Black) LTI
Banu Merchantman LTI
Redeemer LTI
Prospector LTI
Buccaneer LTI
Cutlass Black Pirate Pack (Cutlass Black, Skull and Crossbones Skin, Docking Collar, Tractor Beam) LTI
Herald LTI
Reliant MAKO news van LTI
Combo Ride Together pack (Dragonfly Yellow, Dragonfly Black) LTI
85x LTI
P-72 Archimedes LTI
Gladius (Referral Reward) 6 mos
Aegis Saber Comet LTI

UPDATE 2-27-2017
Minor update
UEE Exploration Pack (Carrack, Terrapin, Dragonfly Black) LTI
Endeavor HOPE (Base Endeavor, Hangar module, Med bay module) 48 mos
Caterpillar Dragonfly Combo pack (Caterpillar, Dragonfly Yellow, Dragonfly Black) LTI
Banu Merchantman LTI
Redeemer LTI
Hurricane LTI
Aegis Saber Comet LTI
Freelancer MIS LTI
Prospector LTI
Buccaneer LTI
Cutlass Black Pirate Pack (Cutlass Black, Skull and Crossbones Skin, Docking Collar, Tractor Beam) LTI
Reliant MAKO news van LTI
Avenger Warlock LTI
Herald LTI
Combo Ride Together pack (Dragonfly Yellow, Dragonfly Black) LTI
85x LTI (keeping as a run about)
85x LTI (saving as LTI token)
P-72 Archimedes LTI (saving as snub fighter for future Connie purchase)
Gladius (Referral Reward) 6 mos

Sold the Razer and bought back a couple of ships from my list, the extra 85X and the Warlock. Also picked up the Freelancer MIS as my dedicated missile boat. And of course the new Hurricane at the concept sale.

Still waiting for an entry level salvage ship to be concept released and will likely get a Phoenix at some point. Depending on the re-work of the Cutlass I may upgrade the Black to a Blue and pick up a second Cutlass as a Red to use as an ambulance for the Hope class Endeavor.

March 16, 2017

Missed my Ghost, and since I knew that I would want it back anyway eventually, so I bought it back. I sold a combo pack of Dragonflies and used that to upgrade my second 85X. Here is the most recent update, which will probably change again in a couple of weeks when the next concept sale hits.
UEE Exploration Pack (Carrack, Terrapin, Dragonfly Black) LTI
Endeavor HOPE (Base Endeavor, Hangar module, Med bay module) 48 mos
Caterpillar Dragonfly Combo pack (Caterpillar, Dragonfly Yellow, Dragonfly Black) LTI
Banu Merchantman LTI
Redeemer LTI
Hurricane LTI
Aegis Saber Comet LTI
Freelancer MIS LTI
Prospector LTI
F7C-S Hornet Ghost LTI
Buccaneer LTI
Cutlass Black Pirate Pack (Cutlass Black, Skull and Crossbones Skin, Docking Collar, Tractor Beam) LTI
Reliant MAKO news van LTI
Avenger Warlock LTI
Herald LTI
85x LTI (keeping as a run about)
P-72 Archimedes LTI (saving as snub fighter for future Connie purchase)
Gladius (Referral Reward) 6 mos

Of course I have three fighters now, and two are stealth focused ships. So I will be thinning that out over time. If the Buccaneer really impresses my I will keep that and the Ghost. Otherwise I will keep the Sabre and the Ghost. It is hard to imagine my final launch fleet without a Ghost in it, but it is hard to justify the Sabre and the Buccaneer with it. I could probably fit the three of them in the Endeavor hangar, so maybe if that works I will keep all three. That would make for an interesting escort set up, and Endeavor and three fighters. Hmmm

Pic of latest fleet can be viewed here: http://i.imgur.com/t4trW6G.png

Anniversary Sale 2017 updates
So far the fleet has changed quite a bit and this is only day 1!
Right now I have all I am looking to own with exception of an Reclaimer until and unless they show us a starter salvage ship.
That leaves me with the following:
Explorer Pack (Carrack, Terrapin, Dragonfly Black) LTI
Top Secret Bomber Combo (Eclipse, Crucible, Constellation Aquila) LTI
Pioneer LTI
Endeavor HOPE 48mos
600i Explorer LTI
Caterpillar Combo (Pirate Edition, Dragonfly Yellowjacket, Dragonfly Black) LTI
2 x Merchantman LTI
Hurricane LTI
Defender LTI
Hornet Wildfire LTI
Prospector LTI
Cutlass Black LTI
Herald LTI
Reliant MAKO LTI
Hawk LTI
85x LTI
X1 Force LTI
Gladius 6mos
The second Merchantman is for later upgrades to something big since I got it through upgrades for total cost of $230.
After flying it, and reviewing the stats, I found that the Hornet Wildfire is actually a modified Hornet Ghost so I picked up one of those as well.

Once the game is live I will pick up a Starfarer, and I hope to get a salvage ship (Reclaimer or new starter salvager) to round out the fleet.

Swapped a Merchantman for a Hammerhead and picked up a Cyclone recon model.

Brings me toā€¦
Explorer Pack (Carrack, Terrapin, Dragonfly Black) LTI
Top Secret Bomber Combo (Eclipse, Crucible, Constellation Aquila) LTI
Pioneer LTI
Endeavor HOPE 48mos
600i Explorer LTI
Caterpillar Combo (Pirate Edition, Dragonfly Yellowjacket, Dragonfly Black) LTI
Merchantman LTI
Hammerhead LTI
Hurricane LTI
Defender LTI
Hornet Wildfire LTI
Prospector LTI
Cutlass Black LTI
Herald LTI
Reliant MAKO LTI
Hawk LTI
85x LTI
X1 Force LTI
Gladius 6mos
Cyclone RN 60mos

What is pictured here plus a Mustang Beta and a Vanguard Sentinel I picked up last minute at the sale

Added a Sabre Raven to the fleet this weekend.
Fleet looks like: 310 CCUS, 30 SHIPS, 3 PACKAGES
May be doing some restructuring again soon since the Raven adds a fighter that I can now eliminate elsewhere.
Flew the Raven in the 3.0 ptu and have to say I really like that ship. But, with the Raven I no longer need the Warlock, so there is one ship I can swap, likely to a Freelancer of some flavor.

5/18/2018 update:

12/23/2018 update:

Have not updated my fleet for some time so I figured it was time:

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Constellation Andromeda - LTI
Super Hornet - LTI
Cutlass Black - LTI
350R - LTI
M50 - LTI
Starfarer Gemini - LTI
Freelancer DUR - LTI
Avenger Stalker - LTI
Herald - LTI
Hull B - LTI
Reliant Kore - LTI
Sabre - LTI
Prospector - LTI
Buccaneer - LTI
Dragonfly - LTI
85X - LTI
Nox - LTI
Tumbril - LTI
Ursa Rover - 6 month insurance
X1 - LTI
Terrapin - LTI
Vulture - LTI

Re: Whatā€™s in your fleet?

Updated 11/28/16
Reconfiguring based on the 2016 Anniversary Sale.

This now leaves me with a ā€œcurrentā€ fleet of

MELTED Caterpillar LTI (Caterpillar Dragonfly LTI Pack)
Herald (CCUā€™d from Caterpillar Dragonfly LTI Pack - Dragonfly > 315P > Reliant Kore > Drake Herald )
Starfarer Gemini LTI (Unmelted from Starfarer Gemini Concept Sale)
MELTED Carrack LTI (Melted stuff to pick up the UEE Exploration Pack LTI)
Terrapin LTI (see above)
Cutlass Blue (CCUā€™d from Drake Dragonfly Ride Together Two Pack > Freelancer > Buccaneer > Cutlass Blue)
MELTED Redeemer LTI (Unmelted Redeemer concept sale LTI package)
Vanguard Warden (CCUā€™d from Drake Dragonfly Black LTI concept > Constellation Taurus > Vanguard Warden)
MELTED Super Hornet LTI (CCUā€™d from a Drake Herald Concept LTI)
Banu Merchantman (Upgraded from P-72 Archimedes LTI)
Origin 85X (CCUā€™d from Dragonfly Black)
Dragonfly Yellowjackets LTI

Caterpillar, Super Hornet and a Prospector (Not Listed) were melted based on the 2017 Anniversary sale. Redeemer Melted (forgot why Banu Defender probably )

Current Fleet as of 12/17

Combat Ships
Banu Defender
Anvil Hurricane
Vanguard Warden
Cutlass Blue

Starfarer Gemini
Banu Merchantman
Freelancer Max

Professions/Utility Ships
Anvil Terrapin
Origin 600i Explorer
Origin 85X
RSI Orion
Drake Herald

Starfarer Gemini - In Game Cash Flow at some pointā€¦secure fuel and some cargo hauling. As well as scooping and processing itā€™s own fuel.

Banu Merchantman - Cargo hauling. The ship I wanted from the beginning of staring at the ship matrix. In my buy backs I have a version with 1 year of insurance and one with 2 year insurance. (yeahā€¦ I wanted this ship).

Freelancer Max - Daily mission runner, small hauler and solo ship. (Still have a concept Hull B token to unmelt should I be so inclined.)

Utility/Profession Ships
Terrapinā€¦ once again I see my focus as being exploration. Would seem to be a great solo explorer ship.

Origin 600i Explorer - Multi crew exploration and just a damn sexy ship. My one selfish pledge for a luxury ship. But it HAD to have some other functionality. Which is why I got the Explorer module and not the Touring module.

Heraldā€¦ interesting concept, opportunities for missions with moving electronic ā€œcargoā€. Runabout if needed. Possible racing ship if Iā€™m so inclined.

RSI Orion - Had a Prospector in my fleetā€¦ twice. Still have the concept LTI Token if I choose to unmelt it. Wanted this ship for a while, couldnā€™t figure out how to get it in my fleet without dropping the cash. Rethought having a Caterpillarā€¦ saw no need to keep it. CCUā€™d the Caterpillar with some credit to the Orion.

Origin 85X. Primary in system runaboutā€¦ and a damn sexy looking ship. Called the BMW of snub fighters. Two seats to tool around the systemā€¦ in style.

Combat Ships
Banu Defender - Fan of all things Banu. Solo combat ship, cool looking, new tachyon weapons and EMP missiles. Very intriguing ship. Might be my go to combat ship solo.

Anvil Hurricane - Melted my Super Hornet for this. Wish I could have just straight CCUā€™d to it but itā€™s 5 bucks cheaper than the Super Hornet (Fix this CIG). Fleet Support combat ship. Might not be a solo combat option, will have to see when itā€™s out of concept and flight ready. Heavy fighter in a small platform.

Vanguard Wardenā€¦ dogfighting, escort duty, Organization Ops. Sorry I melted my concept purchase. Opportunity came to get it back via CCUing. Sort of my style of combatā€¦ all guns facing forward with overwhelming firepower. Cool looking ship too.

Cutlass Blueā€¦ 4th choice of combat ship. Bounty Hunting opportunitiesā€¦ Iā€™ve had a Cutlass Black in and out of my fleet a few times, missed opportunities at CCUing it to a Blue. Blue is a rougher, tougher version of the Blackā€¦ bigger engineā€¦ bigger shields etc.

Dragonfly Yellowjacket (Had 2, CCUā€™d one toā€¦ something :slight_smile: )
X1 Force

Iā€™d like to say Iā€™m doneā€¦ but thatā€™s never the case, at least until release. Dangle a shiny and Iā€™ll probably take a long hard look at it. But I like what I have right now.

Continuing the discussion from What's in YOUR Fleet?:

Here is my current lineup of ships:
Super Hornet F7-M
Hornet Tracker
Banu Merchantman
Starfarer Gemini
Dragonfly Black
Currently sitting on a CCU from a freelancer to Freelancer MAX - Just have to rebuy one of my old packages once I am working again and caught up on my bills.

Once I do that. Iā€™m fairly sure I am sitting out any more ship sales. Iā€™ve been trying to avoid high crew ships. Iā€™d prefer to hire out to crew someone elses than have them myself (at least at launch). But I am sticking with the Banu MM becuase I like itā€™s looks and the Starfarer Gemini becuase I would like to be able to collect my own fuel. If they introduce a smaller refueling ship I might downsize but that would be a huge maybe.


Virgoā€™s Fleet (All with LTI):

Starfarer Gemini
Idris ā€œPā€ Frigate
Super Hornet (x2)
600i Explorer
Banu Merchantman
Cutlass Red
Hull D
Constellation Andromeda
Hercules C2
890 Jump
Consolidated Outland Pioneer

When I first backed this game my interest was in flying as a combat pilot. I purchased multiple fighters to cover myself in the very likely event that I got shot down and needed a replacement ship asap. Over time my interest in dog fighting waned and my interest in merchantile/production activities picked up so I covered the field with various non-combat related ships. Presently Iā€™m good with doing anything and I think my ship stable covers a lot of bases.
Ship Selection Comments

I have 5 game packages of which the Armada pack is the largest. The ships in the Armada package all have LTI by virtue of the package exceeding a value of $1000.00 USD. Most ships in the Armada package have been CCUā€™d to non-combat type ships.

The Idris will likely only see action if I have enough friends online to staff it adequately or potentially in a guild event.

Ships which may be melted

890 Jump

The reclaimer may be melted because I am unsure how well salvaging will work in the PU. CIG did mentioned that there will be very little if any salvage from exploding ships since they did not want the servers bogged down by debris in space.
The 890 Jump does not have a useful role in SC presently and if this is how it ends up then it will likely be melted to more useful ships/parts such as the future modules for the caterpillar.

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(Reposting from the old forums)

MISC Endeavor Hope - LTI
DRAK Cutlass Red - LTI
DRAK Dragonfly

CNOU Pioneer - LTI
ANVL Terrapin - LTI

MISC Freelancer Max - LTI
Tumbril Cyclone

ORIG 600i Touring - LTI

AEGS Vulcan - LTI

I am looking at a support role for us: healing; building outposts; transporting cargo & people; refuel, repair, rearm.

The Red is the ambulance for the Hope hospital and goes in its landing bay. Dragonfly also for Search & Rescue.

The Terrapin searches out and reports claims, then patrols for the Pioneer while the latter is building outposts. It can land on its external landing pad.

The Freelancer is transport for the other operations, or for its own sake. It can deliver the/a Cyclone to an outpost. The Cyclone can also be used to transport cargo on the ground.

The 600i is for transporting people in comfort & beauty, meetings, a home-away-from-home.

The Vulcan refuels, repairs, & rearms.

AEGS Avenger Titan (package ship)
Greycat PTV :slight_smile:

MISC Freelancer Max (2nd account)
MISC Freelancer (3rd account)

All are LTI but the 890, which is 48 months. Started backing Sep 11, 2012


  • Anvil Carrack - Yuri Gagarin
  • Anvil F7C-R Hornet Tracker - Clark
  • Anvil Terrapin
  • Aopoa Xā€™ian Khartu-al - Sacagawea
  • MISC Endeavor (all modules + addtā€™l biome) - Christopher Hadfield
  • MISC Freelancer DUR - Cousteau
  • MISC Reliant Sen - Boone
  • Origin 315p - Lewis
  • Origin 600i Exploration - Samantha Cristoforetti
  • RSI Constellation Aquila - Magellen


  • Aegis Reclaimer - Claw of Archimedes
  • Aegis Vulcan
  • Anvil Crucible
  • Argo MPUV Cargo
  • Banu Merchantman - Lex Mercatoria
  • Consolidated Outland Pioneer
  • Drake Caterpillar
  • MISC Freelancer MAX
  • MISC Hull B-E
  • MISC Prospector
  • MISC Reliant Kore
  • MISC Starfarer Gemini
  • Origin 125
  • RSI Constellation Taurus
  • RSI Orion


  • Aegis Avenger - Excalibur
  • Aegis Avenger Stalker
  • Aegis Avenger Titan Renegade
  • Aegis Eclipse
  • Aegis Gladius - Kakute
  • Aegis Gladius Valiant
  • Aegis Hammerhead - ZweihƤnder
  • Aegis Idris-P - Heimdall
  • Aegis Retaliator (all modules) - Sword of Damocles
  • Aegis Sabre - Saber - Hattori Hanzō
  • Aegis Sabre Comet
  • Aegis Sabre Raven
  • Aegis Vanguard Warden (all BUKs) - Hephaestus
  • Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet - Khopesh
  • Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet x2
  • Anvil F7C-S Hornet Ghost - Shadow
  • Anvil F8C Lightning
  • Anvil Gladiator
  • Anvil Hawk
  • Anvil Hornet F7C Wildfire
  • Anvil Hurricane
  • Banu Defender
  • Consolidated Outland Mustang Delta
  • Crusader Industries Hercules A2
  • Drake Buccaneer
  • Drake Cutlass Blue - Lawbringer
  • Esperia Prowler
  • Esperia Vanduul Blade
  • Esperia Vanduul Glaive - Glaive
  • MISC Freelancer MIS - Mjolnir
  • MISC Reliant Tana - Katana
  • Origin 125
  • Origin 325a - Urumi
  • RSI Polaris


  • Anvil Hawk
  • Argo MPUV Personnel
  • Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner
  • Drake Cutlass Black
  • Drake Cutlass Red
  • Drake Herald
  • MISC Freelancer
  • MISC Reliant Mako
  • Origin 100i
  • Origin 300i
  • Origin 350r
  • Origin 890j (48 month)
  • RSI Constellation Andromeda
  • RSI Constellation Phoenix - Luxxor

Ground Vehicles

  • Aopoa Nox & Kue
  • Drake Dragonfly Yellow & Black
  • Greycat x2
  • Origin X1, Force & Velocity
  • RSI Ursa Rover
  • Tumbril Cyclone, TR, RN, RC, & AA
  • Tumbril Nova Tonk x2

Latest image, with all ships as of this posting:

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My Fleet using Macā€™s organization of ships (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery):

Everything with LTI - been backing the game since June 22, 2013.


  • Anvil Carrack
  • Anvil Terrapin
  • Origin 85X
  • Origin 315p
  • Origin 600i Exploration - Indefatigable
  • RSI Constellation Aquila
  • KRGR P72 Archimedes


  • Aegis Reclaimer
  • MISC Hull C
  • MISC Prospector
  • MISC Starfarer Gemini
  • RSI Orion


  • Aurora LN
  • Aegis Gladius
  • Aegis Retaliator (all modules)
  • Aegis Sabre - Saber
  • Aegis Vanguard Harbinger (all BUKs)
  • Aegis Vulcan
  • Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet
  • MISC Freelancer MIS
  • Origin 325a
  • RSI Polaris

Ground Vehicles

  • Drake Dragonfly Yellow & Black
  • Greycat
  • RSI Ursa Rover
  • Tumbril Cyclone TR, AA

Re: Whatā€™s in your fleet?

Constellation Aquila (Game package) My first purchase for the game upgrade from Andromeda
Constellation Andromeda (Game package) picked up from a friend who introduce me to SC
315p (Game package) picked up from same friend
Aegis Reclaimer
RSI Orion
Hull B
Hull C
Starfarer Gemini
Anvil Crucible
Banu Merchantman
Star Citizen Starter x2
MISC Prospector x2
Avenger Titan
Cutlass Black
Consolidated Outlands Pioneer
AEGIS Vulcan
Drake Vulture

All are LTI

I think I have one of the baby-est (smallest) fleets in the whole orgā€¦ listed from oldest purchase to newest purchase:

Constellation Andromeda - Not LTI
300i - Not LTI
F7C-R Hornet Tracker - Not LTI
Aurora LX - - LTI
Retaliator Bomber - - LTI
F7C-M Super Hornet - - LTI
Gladiator - - LTI
Starfarer - - LTI
Merchantman - - LTI
Khartu-al - - LTI
Avenger Stalker - Not LTI
Vanguard Warden - - LTI
Redeemer - Not LTI
Hull C - - LTI
Starfarer Gemini - - LTI
Eclipse - - LTI
Nox - - LTI
Nox Kue - - LTI
600i Exploration Module - - LTI
Herald - Not LTI
X1 - FORCE - - LTI
Hawk - - LTI
Dragonfly Black - Not LTI
X1 - FORCE - Not LTI
Nova Tank - - LTI
Cutlass Black - Not LTI
Dragonfly Yellowjacket - Not LTI
Vulcan - - LTI
100i - - LTI
125a - - LTI
135c - - LTI
Hercules Starlifter A2 - - LTI
Nova Tank - - LTI


Naw I only have 3 ships.

All with LTI

Ghost Hornet
Avenger (I think its called)

Lol, been awhile since i checked.


I feel like such a light weight, but Iā€™m happy with what Iā€™ve got so far.

As to the why (following the OP rules here):
I know Iā€™m not a fighter, but I do enjoy cargo runs, exploring, mining, and a bit of crafting. I suspect these ships will get me started down that road, the rest Iā€™ll earn in game.

Since weā€™ve done this before:

Every Drake Ship with LTI
Avenger Stalker
Super Hornet
Nox/ Nox Kue
Reliant Mako
Aurora LN
Sabre Raven

Isnā€™t this posting kind of redundant with my thread? :yum:

Aurora ES
Avenger Titan
Avenger Warlock
Constellation Taurus
Dragonfly Black
Freelancer Dur
P52 Merlin
Sabre Raven
Ursa Rover

It offers members options. I can post a pretty image of my fleet here.

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Dragonfly Black, X1, MPUV Cargo, 85X, Terrapin, Vulture, F7A-M Super Hornet, Cutlass Blue, Prospector, Freelancer MIS, Redeemer, Retaliator, Carrack, Starfarer Gemini, Merchantman, Reclaimer


So ya, thatā€™s a Mustang Alpha, Anvil Arrow and an Origin 125a.

Updated 30 Nov 18.


At least you have one! Please remember to update the OTG Fleet spreadsheet!

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