Category Topics

Guild Information

Welcome to the Old Timers Guild, the last guild you’ll ever need to join! You will find a plethora of information regarding how OTG operates here. Try not to drink from the firehose, sip the info slowly.

Join OTG

Everything related to joining OTG, including application processing, and answers to all your burning Membership questions.

Feedback and Suggestions

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.

Off Topic

We are a group of “older, mature” gamers who enjoy the journey and who are not in a rush to get to the “end game.” We certainly have our share of raiders, PvPers and min/maxers but that is not our focus. We are a community of friendly and helpful folks with our own quirky brand of irreverent humor.

Game Development

This is the public discussion area for Game Development. DO NOT ever post anything under NDA. To make finding relevant information easier, please tag your posts appropriately.

General Games

This is the public discussion area for games that have a small, active, and organized OTG presence or games that have “limited” OTG support (i.e. just a forum). To make finding relevant information easier, please tag your posts appropriately.

Elder Scrolls Online

This is the public discussion area for Elder Scrolls Online . To make finding relevant information easier, please tag your posts appropriately.

Eve Online

This is the PUBLIC discussion area for Eve Online. Internet Spaceships is serious business, so in order to make finding relevant information easier, please tag your posts appropriately. Comply.

Everquest 2

This is the public discussion area for Everquest 2. To make finding relevant information easier, please tag your posts appropriately.

Guild Wars 2

This is the public discussion area for Guild Wars 2. To make finding relevant information easier, please tag your posts appropriately.

Lord of the Rings Online

One does not simply walk into Mordor.

New World

Forum for Amazon’s New World MMO

Star Wars: The Old Republic

This is a section of the Old Timers Guild’s presence on Star Wars: The Old Republic. Both the Empire and Republic factions are currently based on the Starforge server.

World of Warcraft

This is the public discussion area for World of Warcraft. To make finding relevant information easier, please tag your posts appropriately.

Archive - Black Desert Online

This is the public discussion area for Black Desert Online. To make finding relevant information easier, please tag your posts appropriately.

Archive - Rift

This is the home of Rift and all things about Rift