If you have not already done so, please be sure to apply to the in game organization here:
While we do not use the foums at the RSI site for much, it is still good to have everyone in the organization so that we can friend each other.
Next be sure to list your character names here:
as well as any other orgs that you belong to that you want to tell us about.
Of course, what is the point of owning all of these ships if you can’t flaunt them right?
Head on over to the Fleet thread and share your fleet info with us here:
And any screenshots you have that you think we would enjoy:
If you are referring friends and family to the game be sure to utilize our code randomizer created and managed by our own The_Stargazer
Submit your code
Generae a code
Lastly, don’t be shy! Introduce yourself, start a conversation or jump right in to an existing one. We can’t wait to hear all about your experience in Star Citizen.