Member List (Usernames)

This post will consist of a neat list of people’s name(s) here and in SC.

We would also like to ask everyone to post the names of whatever Orgs they have created in SC, so that we can help each other populate our members Orgs if interested. !!! (Membership of OTG is assumed for obvious reasons)
Note: This does not mean you have​ to post all the Orgs you are in, you retain the right to keep these things private.

If unsure about your handle (since you have a Login ID, community moniker and handle which can all be different on the SC website), find the correct one here:

ALSO, as chemie pointed out:

To see your contacts online, both of you have to follow each other (it’s not enough if just one of you follows the other one, this is not a bug!)- Sometimes you can’t see the server/instance of your contact for some reason. In this case just try it again and again. It will appear sooner or later (mostly after 2-5 tries). If not, you both have to restart the game.

OTG Name: SC Handle: Member of Org(s):

Mrpink Mrpinksel OTG, ARCHEA
Dracodor Krugor OTG
ProvokeMe provokemeOTG OTG
Ptolemy Tarshish OTG
Deckape Deckape OTG
Verdier V_K OTG
Simdor cimtaurus, alts Xythis (OTG), Kelarra (ECC0) OTG, ECC0
Vulreyn Starsickle OTG
Ryukan Stardog OTG
Bahaphat Bahaphat OTG
macallen Blackwatch OTG
EvilPeppard EvilPeppard OTG
ProfX ProfXomox OTG
Thavik Thavik OTG
Thatsright Thatsright OTG
Goat Yoda Goat_Yoda OTG
Baron Brewzer Baron_Brewzer OTG
Elirion Elirion OTG
Kalkin Bubba-Gannoosh OTG
Zerki Zerki OTG
cousa Cousa-OTG OTG
Elranyar Elranyar OTG
AFungusAmongUs AFungusAmongUs OTG
Sanctimus_Sol BloodOrange OTG
Unhygienix Unhygienix OTG
Bigred BiggRedd OTG
Chemie chemie OTG
Bruschi Bruschi OTG
Helix Jobo OTG
Tanoosh Tanoos OTG
JoonYoungK JoonYoungK OTG
Mithinar ES_Champions OTG
DragonLight dragon_light OTG
GrimDark Dead-Lung (cannot find profile) OTG
Rouen Rouen OTG
Greenlyt Greenlyt OTG
Santiago SantiagoX OTG
Dork Jedi DorkJedi OTG
Argulus Argulus-Prime OTG
Vorien VH1 OTG
Joyster joyster56 (confirm) OTG
Palnandantilus Answer (confirm) OTG
Sturme Thugari (confirm) OTG
Covert Adnap (confirm) OTG
naminator Naminator OTG
Suzie DocSuz OTG
Vannus Vusion OTG
Vvilams Vvilams OTG
Devonah Wise Tarakk OTG
Sklttles ReasonEquals (confirm) OTG
Maxu Tydras OTG
Wildfires Souleach (confirm) OTG
Raiven Whysper OTG
Ziik Ziik OTG
Heathen Heathen OTG
nap Nap OTG
KuruptU4Fun KuruptU4Fun68 OTG
Lead Pipe LeadPipe OTG
Grumpy GrumpyOldGamerX OTG
Kezzar Kezzar_Gassi OTG, Browncoats
meryetre meryetre (confirm) OTG
saerin saerin (cannot find profile) OTG
Duvago Duvago OTG
Edzwarr Edzwarr OTG
Roark Roark OTG
Zeroflux Zeroflux OTG
Strangetides Six-Pack OTG
sywedge widgetbit OTG
Virgo Virgo OTG
ToXic Toxic_Abscess OTG, PARAMC
Kahz Kaleath OTG
Maclawa Maclawa (cannot find profile) OTG
Brexit Brexit OTG
Snapto Snapto OTG
Cptnoobtastic Cptnoobtastic OTG
elsie elsie OTG
Sauce SMSauce OTG
Xx_JAZ_xX Kesethain OTG
Nembokid Nembo OTG
Splatt Splatt-Mcnasty OTG
Stu Stalled OTG
Mallet Cojones OTG
Jameserec Clerec OTG
kyrke captkyrke OTG, PXP
Modu Modu OTG
Eagleon Darkeagleon OTG
Andargor Andargor OTG
Scratch Scratch (main) Rolo (2nd) OTG
Scraps Scraps OTG
Xypher CISyn OTG
Tradecraft Gilhooley OTG
Scolis41 Scolis OTG
Medemous Medemous OTG
Calibisto Calibisto OTG
meldrax meldrax OTG
Davis SpecterN7 OTG
Cpt Macaroni CptMacaroni OTG, SPARTANDF
Emerald Viper EmeraldViper OTG
Baniv Baniv OTG
Nalshir Nalshir OTG
ContactSC contactsc OTG, CONTACTSC
Daemoro Daemoro OTG
Vandria Izabella OTG
Gary0515 Torn1960 OTG
NorthStar NorthStar OTG, GENTLEMAN
Jauray Jauray OTG
Griz griz44 OTG
Roark Roark OTG
Wolfuse Wolfuse OTG
Daelvil Cincinnatus OTG
jaqknife Jaqknife OTG
Neph MisterBunny OTG
Hellsbane GryphonITVoid OTG
TyCiric TyCiric OTG
Poguemohoin Poguemohoin OTG
Luedog Luedog60 OTG
Toruk Toruk_the_Bold OTG
JonC StellarRaptor OTG, The Older Gamers
Netherkat Shadowkat OTG
outlawjwales OutlawJwales003 OTG
Grimwyrm Grimwyrm OTG Privateer1
JeanDeaux Jean-Deaux OTG
Twistedvoid Twistedvoid OTG
AngelsOmega AOMEGA OTG

1 Like

Simdor, please add me to OTG’s Star Citizen guild. I am an Officer in The Older Gamers. But I would like to play with you all if that is allowed.

JonC/StellarRaptor in Star Citizen

Sure thing we would be glad to have you join us.
I will add you to the Org today.

Simdor, thank you :slight_smile:

Hey @Simdor,

Could you please add me to the list of OTG’ers who are in the ORG?

Netherkat Shadowkat OTG

Many thanks!



If you could apply to the in game guild here, I can accept you in.

I would, @Simdor

But I am already in the ORG… just not listed in the master list above. :smile:


I didn’t get picked!? Dang, it’s like high school athletics all over again!

Will fix now.

Are you not in the list?

That’s too bad. Better luck next time…

Or post your info and I can add you :slight_smile:

SC Alias “Jean Deaux” with a handle name showing as “Jean-Deaux”. New OTG forum alias is “JeanDeaux” instead of “Jean Deaux”. I’m confused now and no longer know who I am!

Has anyone mentioned how bloody confusing this new forum is? If not, allow me to be first; if so, I’m next!


I am also in the org but not on the above list.

outlawjwales OutlawJwales003 OTG

Stop being so verbose damnit.

Is this the info in the format requested?

JeanDeaux Jean-Deaux OTG


@JeanDeaux see this is how you get added to the list

Looks right, I thinkName

JeanDeaux Jean-Deaux OTG

I’m in the org but not on this list:

Grimwyrm Grimwyrm OTG Privateer1

Done to here

I’d like to get in the ORG. My game name is Tigermist

Mr-X is not active. Please update to:

Vicinus Vicinus OTG

Forum Name - Xeriah
In-Game Character Name - NewportBox