Member List (Usernames)

I’m not on the list or in the org, but I’ve just applied to the org.
OTG name: MagicDragon
SC Handle: ADuskwalker

Accepted Xeriah and ADuskwalker into the org

Simdor, I haven’t been active on the OTG forums for quite some time, but I have recently returned to the fold. I am still a member of the OTG organization in-game, but my name has changed from Dwenos (under which I am listed in this post) to Elranyar (Quenya Elvish name meaning, roughly, “Star Wanderer”). Can you update my name from Dwenos to Elranyar on this list? Thanks!

Welcome back!

Thanks, brother! Good to be back.

Didn’t see my name on the list but i joined up a bit late in the game.

OTG: Twistedvoid
SC: Twistedvoid

I don’t think this has been updated or kept up to date in a very long time, but…
I made the edits for Elranyar and Twistedvoid

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Hey Simdor. I’m already in the org but never noticed this list until now.

AngelsOmega: OTG, AOMEGA

I rarely come to the forums but just noticed this thread. I’m in the org. Sorry for the necro…lol.

Aleron_Trajan: OTG, FFK

Hello, OhPa here. I just applied to join OTG in Star Citizen - although I think I forgot to include my OTG forum name in the application. Oh well, I’m an OT after all. Hope to see you all in the 'verse.

Just accepted your request on the RSI website @OhPa


Fantastic! I’m looking forward to interacting with you all in game.

Please ass me to the list. I am a new member of OTG. My handle in both OTG and SC is KiFi.


Thank you for the add.

Evearte OTG