This thread will be updated and maintained with any New World chapter specific policies. Should you discover a chapter specific policy that isn’t outlined here but should be here please feel free to reach out to any member of New World Staff.
Chapter Grand Prizes (CGP)
CGPs are prizes that are considered to be extraordinary in comparison to every day contest prizes we do for various events and activities. As such these prizes have certain eligibility requirements to keep it fair to all those who would like to participate.
In order to be eligible for a CGP you must be a rostered member of a New World in-game company. You also must have been active in-game in the last 14 days. You may only win one CGP within any given 90 day period.
Appropriate Usage of NW Discord Lobby Chat
The Lobby is intended to be a general meeting place and a area where short infrequent conversations occur where the communication is intended for the entire general audience.
Group channels are for in depth conversations about any topic and specifically meant to be used when you are grouped with another person in-game and you are coordinating your in-game activities through voice chat.
You will be reminded to move to a group channel when your conversation crosses the threshold between being general audience relevant and group specific. Please be respectful and accommodate those requests when they occur.
Legacy / Fresh Start Discord Usage
Topics of discussion should be kept on topic and pertaining to a specific server and community when multiple channels exist to serve those communities. Example. nw-lobby vs nw-fresh-start-lobby, or nw-events vs nw-fresh-start-events. Please be curtious and help keep things organized and keep discussions and topics in the correct channels!
Voice Activated (VA) Discord Channels
Against the advisement of veteran admins NW has offered some channels with voice activated chat. These channels are indicated by the VA in their name. Please be conscious and respectful when using this feature and be aware that everything including your lunch is broadcast and may be an annoyance to others. Please try to use this responsibly and consider others.
That said, NW staff and OTG staff are not going to step in or police the usage of VA. By using these channels you are agreeing to the understanding that you accept how anyone else chooses to use VA wither it offends you, annoys you, or otherwise. This is a limited use, no expressed guarantees, as is sorta thing. Please voice responsibility.
Revision History
10/7/2022 - Sonickat - Added pre-existing policies that were announced in the Announcement channel in discord several months ago but never made their way into the published official chapter policies thread.
10/8/2022 - Sonickat - Formatting and proof reading.