What's in YOUR Fleet?

Hey, all! I’m new to the guild.

I fly a Starter Pack Aurora, a Freelancer and an Origins 325a. I paid cash for the 325a after several weeks of research and I’m quite happy with it as my box-run ship. It’s got a sort of BMW sensibility on the inside with the performance and outside look of a Lamborghini.

I’m hoping to save up to buy a Freelancer Max, then use that to run commodities trading until I can afford a space yacht.


The Freelancer is a great ship for cargo runs. It is highly defensible and has a nice cargo bay. You can do well with it.
The 325 is not in a great place but it is still a solid ship. Eventually I expect it will get some love and get to be more of the fighter it was meant to be.
Be sure to add CimTaurus to your friend list. Anytime I am on I am happy to help out and always eager to loan out my ships if you want to try something new.

See you in the verse!

Hi! I just sent a friend add through Star Citizen

My Small fleet. Would love to grow it more, but will probably just grow it in game.

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Respectable fleet. You have combat, mining, cargo and light exploration all covered.
And most of your ships have a bed, which will be an advantage you want to have.

Thought I would throw this up for critique.

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Big ships and excellent choices.

Cutlass is still one of the best ships to own in its size class.
Cat is one of my favs because it has modular compartments (if they still honor that design) and it has command module that can detach and fly alone.
Valkyrie, awesome drop ship.
Carrack, not need to explain that one.
Reclaimer , king of salvage
Merchantman, the most important ship to own going in to beta
Hull, not a fan of this line of cargo ships but they are the best for what they are

I think you have a solid fleet there. Obviously you have a focus on cargo but you have exploration, salvage, trade and combat covered as things to do as well with no overlap of ships and excellent choices in each area.

Well done.

Is that a Hull, looks like an Orion! Mine-King!!!

It’s been a while, figured I’d throw it up to at least keep it current before Fleet Week,

BMM because BMM
Carrack because Carrack is Love
Polaris because I wanted something big that might be fun to operate in a large scale mission but not so expensive to operate that it would bankrupt me.
600i because I wanted a Phoenix, but never won the F5 game. It is a touring craft for just flying around and sight-seeing
The Blue because I wanted to have something for bounty hunting if I ever got into it. The QT Disrupter is a bonus
Star Runner may scratch my smuggling itch
The B is on the chopping block, but may be useful for safesec solo runs - May become a miner
315 for solo exploration and learning
the Alphas are on separate accounts so that friends can play when they want
The Beta because I like the tiny space RV
The Omega because it was a promotion
The Super-Hornet because I wanted to smack some teeth and I like the way they look (hoping it fits in the Polaris)
The 85x I won it! And I love them, fun to run around in.
The P-72 because I like the way the snub looks
The Gladius was for recruiting friends (3 were the afore-mentioned alphas)
Same can be said for space bikes and other vehicles. I like them
Not pictured, the Pisces. Looks like a shuttlecraft from Enterprise. I love it.

Aye, that is an Orion. Cat is good enough and if i want a Hull class, i’ll earn one in game. I do want to have a heavy focus on industry as quite obvious with my purchases but having something that can just go out and pew pew for a while is nice.

Here’s a cleaner picture.

My bad, yes mining vs cargo there.
But actually even better since it creates less overlap between ships and covers more professions

Why is the Merchantman the most important ship going into beta?

Why is the Merchantman the most important ship going into beta?

Maybe I just dont know enough. I Know what the merchantman is. just dont understand why it would be considered the most important ship.

Because of a couple of things.

  1. It is the only ship of its kind, aside from maybe the Kraken which is only similar. It is the player marketplace ship and will be an excellent way to make money in game.
  2. The lore. This ship will not be sold at typical starship dealerships like say the 890 or the Carrack. The lore says it requires standing with a leader (souli) of a Banu clan. In game terms this means serious reputation grind to even be able to see the BMM in a purchase window, and then there is the cost to buy on top of that.
  3. Alien ship. These are more valuable and more rare than typical human made ships.

It’s cargo is internal it has Class 6 and 5 weapons also has 2x large coolers 2x large shields and 2 x large power plants.
Cargo Capacity 3584 SCU which is 4.5 times (4.486111111111111 for the geeks) more than the Drake Caterpillar.
Only the Hall C, D & E carry more SCU than the BMM but it’s external and can not land on a planet when fully loaded.

I missed the Kraken but would not trade my BMM for it.


oh ok. that makes sense now. thx.

Unfortunately most of those stats are likely to change since it was released for concept so many years ago, under different sizing systems for cargo, shields and weapons.
But it will still have large weapons for a ship of its class, and have adequate shields and power, and it will still carry a lot of cargo. The thing is, with it going back to concept right now, it most likely will fall much more in line with other ships of its class. I expect it to end up with cargo about 1.5x to 2x the Carrack.

The Kraken Privateer is the larger version of what the BMM is intended to be, but with landing pads for shoppers to come and meet out in space rather than requiring the ship to land in an atmosphere.
The biggest difference between the two is that the BMM is supposed to be a travelling bazaar with a conference room that overlooks the cargo area for making deals and entertaining clients. The Kraken Privateer is more a shopping mall in space.

If the BMM is going to require faction grind just to get one, I disagree with them making it available as a cash shop purchase. I don’t wanna say it is P2W, but it feels like it has a little element of P2W. How does the game justify owning one when the owner will have no Banu faction ranking/standing at all starting off? Yes I am nitpicking, butit irks me. But that is me and I don’t think any of the alien ships should be available to purchase in the cash shop.

I’m not at all the least bit salty that I traded off my BMM for something else awhile back and I doubt I even have the thing I traded/melted the BMM to get anymore :smirk: That being said, I still don’t think the alien ships should be available to be acquired anywhere but ingame.