Once Human

If you are on the same SERVER it doesn’t look like World really matters. I have not had any issue visiting Chevette and Kasen’s houses or teaming up with other members.

Regardless, if for some reason you do have an issue just go to the teleporter and switch. :man_shrugging:

And with the season end you are going to have to rebuild your house soon anyway… :scream:

If you’re in the same hive and teleport to another hive member’s base, you’ll also automatically end up in the world that base is in.

So it’s a world travel shortcut in that respect.

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Oops that explains it.

Alt server started. Info for both servers:

Server: Manibus
Instance: PVE01-00005
Warband: Old Timers Guild

Alt Server: Manibus
Alt Instance: PVE01-00134
Alt Warband: Old Timers Guild-A

Post in-game name on Discord after you apply in-game.
If you do not post your name the request will be denied.

Gurrrrr…PVE01-00134 is full

when 005 was full I went to 011 and started playing to try it out
looking for a 2nd game to replace New World or Atlas
since it free…I had to check it out

Yea server full stuff is annoying lol. I’m fresh on 140 now, only day 2. Kids back in school starting today so hopefully I’ll get time to play now.

I’d say keep trying but… I don’t know. Sometimes works sometimes doesn’t. Was afraid of this with alt server so may not do it again.

Hoping everyone can move after Season or they will just add server transfer option but no idea right now. Kind of a mess.

I’m surprised that folks are having issues with getting in. I see a few folks chatting it up in chat, but I never saw anyone out and about until yesterday. I was so happy I started following them around like a lost puppy LOL. It didn’t take long, they both teleported. =/
Server 005 World 2 is a ghost town at the moment.

I hope they fix the building issues as well. I’ve never been able to rotate and place certain structure pieces.
I laid that out in the last survey. I hope they read my grocery list of things that need to be fixed. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m on Server 005 world 9 and see other people quite a lot. Maybe try switching to a different world?

Are any bases in your area worth blueprinting?

You can blueprint other peoples’ bases?! How?

There were some near mine but they seem to have moved. But I have seen some really cool looking bases on world 9 including a castle and a really neat art deco looking one. I should screenshot some of them lol

I want to know too!

Go to the house you want to blueprint and then B > right click > House Blueprint > Draft > Add Blueprint > Save all. The save single building feature will allow you to do the same. Click on a structure piece then F and it goes to the save menu. NOTE: Everyone isn’t into sharing, meaning you’ll get a “permission required” when you go to save the blueprint.

Thanks! Are they set to allow saving by default or is it something you have to go allow manually? I don’t know if mine is set to allow saving by ithers unless its that way by default. (Not that anyone is likely to want to duplicate my monstrosity, but i like it.)

Here is all the info I took screenshots of about the season, server (SIGN UP NOW), and transferring items…



I looked further into the house blueprinting. From what I have read so far, this is only for the house/base you create. At one time you were able to blueprint others places. Sorry to have gotten anyone’s hopes up. I definitely was going to blueprint like 10 places that I’ve ran across. Building is such a PITA. A lot of the pieces can’t be rotated and I give up and use the templates to build (and they’re not that great (to me)). I hope they fix the rotate issue.

I just blueprinted mine and noticed a share option…?

Guild set up on new server!


Server: Manibus
Instance: PVE01-X0005
Warband: Old Timers Guild

Post in-game name in #once-human on Discord after you apply in-game.
If you do not post your name the request will be denied.

So did all your stuff get transferred automatically? I haven’t played in awhile dang RL so still confused on all that lol

Yes but you can only transfer a limited amount to the new server. Not sure if you can add more later.