[Closed] PF2 - Gatewalkers (Thursday, 7:30-10:30 EDT), trading off with Grapper, et al

I won’t make the game on January 11. It’s my wife’s birthday and we’ll be down in Florida that night out with her friends before we go on a cruise for my daughter’s dance competition.


Have a safe and fun trip

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Level 5.


we get to level up???

@Makuzi, we had a shortened session 'cause I’m tired and ill-prepared. Y’all did ding level 5. I believe we just picked stats (the same as level 1) for Rock and raised his level to 5 (to up his hitpoints and +1 to skills/attacks/etc).

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Game day,

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Yes starting ~8:00ish. /le-sigh


Huh, it’s Thursday but nobody has posted… Are we not playing this week?

So, level 6 next session.

[Edit] - changed “week” to “session”.

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You know, 8ish.

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I have a new pitch for y’all. Don’t be scared.

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We all turn into crabs and live our lives out on the bottom of the ocean searching for scraps to eat?


How did you know?!?!

And of course, ~8:00. Ish. /sigh


I’m thinkin level 7 neeext week? Question mark. Maybe week after.

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I may be late, possibly a no-show tonight

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We called it. See y’all next week. Prep for level 7!

It’s game night!

Reminder: We maaaay be off next week in our exploration of Daemoro… er… Domora, 'cause Domora… er… @Daemoro might not be here.

If that’s true, @eddyteagle has proposed the four(?) of us who do show up - 'cause we’re not recovering from surgery (Daemoro recovering from being explored) nor attending classes to save people’s lives - play multiplayer BG3 instead.


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I just watched Pandorum as per the homework assignment. It was pretty terrible.

The surgery went fine. I have a little pain, but I’m able to move around and stuff. If y’all are still up for the game tonight I feel like I can attend. I may be a little loopy due to pain meds but pilled up Darmoro may be fun… guess we will have to see.

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