[Closed] PF2 - Gatewalkers (Thursday, 7:30-10:30 EDT), trading off with Grapper, et al

Wow there was a lot of message’s I missed here. I jumped on to see if we were gaming tonight, thought it was said this week might be a no.

End of school functions and today is my daughter’s last show. I may not make the game or if I do I’ll be late.


We found another of the missing persons. We only have one more to find then I’m guessing we’ll get double crossed by the gang we are helping.


Late again tonight, ~8:00ish.

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Message on discord said cancelled now. Is that still the case?

Yeah looks like it. Probably just as well for me. I’m sick again and you guys don’t need to hear me being a whiney bitch.

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I am also ill, again. Stupid season.


Damn what party did the three of us attend together and we didn’t know we were all there?

I’m sick also and was worried I’d never make a full game night without falling asleep.

Feel better all!!!

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I was sick enough to go to the doctor a second time, and them go home early losing 7 hours of overtime… needless to say I’m not at all happy.

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Jeez, I have the Covid. I guess it’s going around right now

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Hope everyone feels better and has a happy new year, cya all next year

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I just tested because wife is worried. No covid here just a head cold that started this morning.

Happy new years all feel better!

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What’s going on!?!?!?

I’m watching a hockey game.

Is everyone upright and lucid this week?

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Mostly both… I may be a little late. I have to drop off my truck and my wife will be coming to pick me up. So My return home time is a little suspect.

Like a country song?

Late start again, 8:00ish

[Edit] Oh and maybe level 5 tonight.

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Im between 30 amd 45 min from home. My wife is driving though and she is a much more careful dri er than me. She takes that “drive defensively” BS seriously.

I learned to drive from Car Wars!

So today is NOT Thursday… I apologize for missing last night, I could have sworn yesterday was Wednesday :frowning:


Holiday brain will get you like that.

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