[Closed] PF2 - Gatewalkers (Thursday, 7:30-10:30 EDT), trading off with Grapper, et al


Hmm… they’ve also got an aura, maybe I’m getting confused. Ironic.

It’s ThursYay! :slight_smile:

Maybe, but it start’s ~8:00. /le-sigh

I’m gonna be a no show tonight. Sorry everyone

We’ve got 2-4 (3? is that how numbers work?) sessions left for this module, y’all are in the final dungeon.

We’ve got various peeps out for parts of April so we’ll see how it goes. Of course if two players are out we won’t be playing that night.

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Who’s showing up this week?

Im here this week. I think the 18th is the night I have to work.

I’m almost never not here!

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I verified today that it’s the 18th that I have to work late.

Well Grapper is out this week again, and Mak said he’s out till the end of April. So…

I’ll show up but I’ll probably be playing Cyberpunk!


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Game night? He asks hopefully…

My daughter is visiting from California so I may be a no show Thursday

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Just lost power. Dont know for how long. They’ve been working all day to repair storm damage so people have had intermittent outtages all day.

Yep, we called it early 'cause we’re old 'n shit.

Next week is end of the module (2nd of three) and ding level 8.

Sorry I didn’t update. Within 10-15 minutes of the lights being out I was asleep.

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Just to make it all official like, we’re on for the conclusion adventure of Gatewalkers: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires next week!

Y’all need to ding level 8.

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