ATLAS Captain's Logs (OTG guild on public NA-PVE Hydra's Den) - Pre 3/20/19 server wipe

IMPORTANT NOTE: Atlas server wipe on official servers is coming around March 20th, 2019! Which means a new thread with new Atlas info will be started at that time with our new OTG base information/news/etc.

Old info/screenshots through February 2019 is below:


Just some screenies of yesterdays failure, and success. :slight_smile:

Our initial land hunt on the SS Poop Deck was several hours long but Lilrich and Cradz were excellent navigators and we got to check out many islands and had some close calls, fireballs and all. Unclaimed land (at least in warmer regions) is scarce after only the 3rd day of launch.

As mentioned above, we were on the SS Poop Deck. 'Nuff said.

Cradz found a lucky unclaimed spot and was very determined to keep it and stayed up all night to make it happen. Taramil took over the morning shift and harvested and built until his fingers were raw. The guys made a strong effort and it paid off, there’s now a guild dock and a safehouse and storage up.

Here’s where the initial claim is in K-11, the green area in the upper left corner. This will allow folks to build better ships (or just teleport to other guildies boats for adventures).

Excellent shot of a very salty captain piloting the first built guild boat, the deck is still slippery from Taramil’s sweat, but we all appreciate it. :slight_smile:

The guild house has a great beginning, it’s currently made of wood but will be upgraded and expanded as we grow. Guildies can sleep upstairs and there’s a long row of shared guild storage containers against the wall organized by type. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to add to the guild resources (take what you need and replenish what you can as time allows). Be sure not to plunder the personal footlockers at the base of beds, the owners of those are clearly marked.


Captains Log
Day 6 of Early Access

The guild base in K-11 on Cornlants Haven island continues to grow and strengthen. We are 15 strong with more sailing in. All are welcome. It’s a great place to start out from after you finish up in whatever Freeport zone you started in. You can build better boats using one of the guild docks, utilize the shared guild storage, craft pretty much everything, and have a place to log out to sleep (2nd floor of the guild house). It is advised to build your own storage container so that you can throw your stuff in it before logging. The game isn’t perfect and occasionally your body may glitch through a wall or floor and allow snakes/tigers to nibble (or strangers to loot you if your glitched body slides outside).

We have good island neighbors so far, all but 1. The Regulators guild appear to be a bit immature and are causing area issues, last night they did steal materials and crafted items from bodies after slipping in through a base ceiling panel (since fixed) and the guys trapped him inside.

Splutty – it looks like the Alliance menu has options for setting permissions on what Alliance members can and can’t do on your land, but we haven’t tested it yet. Soon. :slight_smile:

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Captains Log
Day 6 of Early Access - Screenshots

Sharing more adventures from last night in hopes it helps those on the fence about playing.

View from Lilrich’s monumental effort of building a Schooner Tranny of the Sea II. On the left is the current guild house (thank you MemoryDump and others for the slave labor it keeps getting better and better!) where folks can sleep and craft and get their bearings before sailing out to new areas to claim more land (whenever the game finally allows it again). The island on the right is the beginning of a tamed pet storage house, and home of Besty our guild base mascot (yes you can milk her for your vitamin D stat boost, just need a metal bucket).

Led by our fearless captain, Pirate PoopDeck, we took the Tranny out last night (gawd you guys will be the death of me with these names lol), it can hold up to 14 guildmates at a time. We went treasure hunting and had success at 3 locations. We stash loot in boat storage and the gold gets divided at the end to keep it fair.

Taking down the Damned before digging up their treasure

After a long treasure hunt we headed back to the guild base. For those that had to log off before that, here’s a view of what happened. With a great crew manning the sails and Pirate Poopdeck at the helm we dodged many Pirates of the Damned on the way out to treasure hunt. However, without cannons it’s near impossible to live through a sudden visit from them. The Tranny started taking serious damage and with a metal shortage we couldn’t repair. The Tranny put up a good attempt to escape but ultimately…

R.I.P. Tranny of the Sea II, you were a great guild ship and will be missed.

Bonus photo! This is what Taramil looks like after being shocked by a Jellyfish. :smiley:


Captains Log


for OTG on NA-PVE (Hydras Den) public server
UPDATED 3/06/19

IMPORTANT NOTE: Atlas server wipe on official servers is coming around March 20th, 2019! Which means a new thread with new Atlas info will be started at that time with our new OTG base information/news/etc.

Old guild info through February 2019 is below:


A reminder to all, this is an Early Access game. Which means there are bugs, glitches, frequent patches/server reboots and we are all subject to horrible things happening such as a complete server wipe (hasn’t happened yet, but can). So if you can’t stomach that, hold off playing.

That said… it is playable, and it is a fun time killer.


As of 2/23/19

There are 53 of us playing on the NA-PVE public server (Hydra’s Den).

If you don’t want to figure out the game by trial and error there is a nice Atlas beginners guide that will get you through the basics.

There is a spreadsheet setup where we are attempting to keep track of who is who because it’s getting confusing with different OTG names vs Discord names vs in-game names. Please fill out what you can on the spreadsheet.

Some of us very early on managed to claim land in K-11 (Cornlants Haven island, NW corner is the guild house you can sleep at or park your boat around). Through much slave labor it was built up to be a guild safe haven for OTG folks. If you’ve been struggling trying to claim land while unguilded, you are welcome to come to the area to gather your resources and use the boat dock to build your ship to set sail wherever the wind takes you, or stay docked and sleep at the guild house. The best/fastest place to start the game at is Freeport area L-12 (NORTH) if you plan on sailing over to the guild base at K-11.

Mid-January 2019 Update: We now have claimed guild land in several zones, though K-11 and K-14 are still our main focus areas since they are well established and K-14 has a ton of room to build (we own the entire western side of the island!).


  • We are very active in the #Atlas Discord text-only channel (under Game Development in Discord channel area). You can connect and read this without needing a headset or mic. If you have never used OTG’s Discord, find out how to.
  • We are also very active on voice and have several Atlas voice channels (under the Game Development heading). There’s 15+ on voice as I type this. No obligation, and anyone is welcome to join or just listen in on the insanity. :stuck_out_tongue:


If you are playing Atlas and would like a guild invite, please type your request in Discord’s #Atlas text channel or verbally ask in the OTG Atlas Discord voice channel and we will do our best to come to you in a starter Freeport area (L-12 North is shortest sailing distance to the guild base, no obligation) or guide you to the main guild base in K-11 if you wish to sail there on your Freeport starter raft or ramshackle sloop.


In addition to the K-11 main base where you can build a small starter home around the guild house (just ask where) we also hold claimed land in other zones:** K-14, K-13, J-11, K-15, N-14, others…
If you want to build something huge, the best place for that at the moment is our giant area in K-14, if you need help locating a spot to build just ask. We are constantly expanding guild land, so just ask us on Discord for a good spot to build is.


As anyone who has played mmo’s with OTG knows, the more people that join the more drama there is. So there are some ground rules in place. If you don’t like them or can’t uphold them you should form your own personal Company and we can then form an alliance with your Company. Not a big deal, not a game killer, no hard feelings.

K-11 Cornlants Haven island - Guild base rules and regulations

We have expanded the guild land around the main K-11 base so just ask us where you can build a cozy starter house, or if you want to build something big or have a winter home there’s a ton of room in K-14. We also have a ton of land in other zones, so if you don’t like K-11 just ask where else you can build. As of mid-January, Lawless land beds now work so you can also build on Lawless islands if you wish (decay timer is 4 days so just visit it that often).

RULE #1 - IF YOU ARE GUILDED, PLEASE DO NOT try to put your personal claim flag down anywhere on our original K-11 Cornlants Haven island without clearing it with the current Company admins… we are all on voice comms and 80% on Discord text channel). Reason being, we’ve been living on the island very early on and there has been A LOT of island drama and we have formed alliances with some local inhabitants and have some very shaky unofficial alliances with others. It’s a very delicate balance that we don’t want to upset. :slight_smile: If you prefer to play the role of a trouble-making pirate stealing neighbors land, please first unguild yourself from OTG and form your own Company. In most cases we will form an alliance with you, you won’t be an outcast, but then the island drama becomes alllllll yours. :wink: Thank you.

Just because you might be able to reach into a fellow guildies personal storage container or sleeping body, DO NOT DO IT. Mistakes happen, especially when new. We understand that. If you happen to take something that isn’t marked for public/guild use, please tell the person and work on replenishing whatever you stole. Before security activation rank settings were implemented in game we had people lose thousands of resources to theft, which means real life hours lost. Please don’t ruin the game for others. You will be banished from the Company and also called out here if you are stealing intentionally.


If you need any help or have questions please type on Discord chat or get on voice comms, that is the quickest/easiest way. Or if already guilded in game press ENTER then TAB to type in Company chat for us to see (or hit the “/” shortcut key). The game is fun and we want to keep it that way for everyone. Thank you for your understanding. Now go get some booty!


1) Atlas World Map

2) Atlas Item Wiki

3) Atlas Twitter (upcoming patch and server announcements)

4) Atlas official site


Captains Log

Day 9 of Early Access

K-11 events:
Our loose diplomacy (no official Alliance yet) guild island neighbors The Free Few now have a Taxation Bank built, which means anything we harvest within their claimed territories they benefit from (currently 10% rate, surely it will go up). So try not to harvest on their lands until we have an Alliance with them (makes it tax-free) because it will only benefit them . So, we will try to get a Taxation Bank up by the guild house today to return the favor to them (UPDATE, it’s UP!!! Thank you Pirate Poopdeck for the slave labor and Cradz that will benefit us… any strangers that harvest on guild lands we’ll make 10% of).

On to the fun stuff…

Pirate Poopdeck can now serenade us with accordions on guild boat trips (gives buffs)! While I was distracted and dazzled by his fancy outfit, here’s what happened…

Death by accordion. :wink: YES you can whack guildmates with the blackjacks (knocks them unconscious after a dozen or so hits) AND hit them with shields (shield hits will kill the guildmate so play nice). :smiley:

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Captains Log

Day 11 of Early Access

Thank you @odium79 , keeping that map on desktop for quick reference

:loudspeaker: :skull_and_crossbones: ## UPCOMING GUILD EVENT WEEKEND BACK ON

Update: The guys feel certain they can have the shipwrecked guild boat rebuilt by Saturday evening to host a guild event to the Goldenage Rune 1 area (probably around 7pm eastern but staging/prepping will be all day). Please read the #Atlas Discord chat for information and updates on that. It means a lot of death, but great fun! :slight_smile:

K-11 (main guild base) events:
All stable at the moment, tax bank is working great and fills up quickly

K-14 (area HaplessChimp discovered):

  • Still a ton of guild beach area for anyone to build on and more unclaimed land to claim if you wish
  • No fiber so you’ll need to import it to build anything.
  • Cold/dangerous area, but very doable for seasoned players.

K-13 (Sam~Brohawk discovery area)

  • A few of us expanded the area for guild building
  • Small area at the moment but all resources available

J-11 (Taramil discovered/expanded area)

  • Taramil and others have been very busy getting this prepped and expanded for the guild
  • The alligators and wolves can be a bit annoying, but it’s livable otherwise

Eventually folks will have homes in many areas to help with special resources and trading for gold. If you have any questions please type them in the Discord #Atlas text-only channel. Thank you.

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Captains Log

Day 14 of Early Access

Reminder: Guild event tonight (Saturday) in M-12 (so far we have 22 going!), see Discord chat for updated info. All welcome. This is a trial run for future guild runs so if you can’t make it this time don’t worry there will be others.

Now that the holidays are over most of us are forced to game half as much but we still have a strong guild (38 active as of today!). New folks always welcome, just type in the Discord #Atlas text-only channel or via Atlas channel voice (under Game Development on Discord) if you need a guild invite or have any questions.

Guild land & building space availability updates:

K-11 (main guild base) events:
All stable at the moment, tax bank is working great and fills up quickly from strangers harvesting our lands. Still room for new folks to build a starter home (up to 6x6 for singles) on the far west guild island area (ask Cradz or Taramil for current availability and they will show you). Or if you don’t feel like building anything yet just keep sleeping in the guild house, all welcome!

K-14 (@HaplessChimp discovery):

  • Still a TON of guild beach area (and beyond!) for anyone to build on. I threw flags all along the beach so do whatever you wish (if you need any flags relocated to build your masterpiece just shout)
  • No fiber on the island so you’ll need to import it to build anything
  • Cold/dangerous area (wolves, vultures, scorpions, ants), but very doable for seasoned players with a strong sense of humor. :slight_smile:

K-13 (Sam Crow aka @Brohawk discovery area)

  • A few of us expanded the area for guild building
  • Small area at the moment but all resources available

K-15 (@Serzi discovery)

  • Serzi sailed down here and managed to get us a safe stone hut to spawn into (thank you!). It’s damn cold but there is crystal to farm if you don’t mind the wolves and yeti’s. :slight_smile: To survive the night you’ll need a fur outfit and 2 campfires going.

J-11 (@Taramil discovered/expanded area)

  • Taramil and others have been very busy getting this prepped and expanded for the guild
  • The alligators and wolves can be a bit annoying, but it’s livable otherwise


Some folks really love to build! On the left glowing is a house serving as a lighthouse designed by @Komma and @Talyena. To the left of them is @Molarean and closer to the beach is @Cradz. On the right is a fun cliffhouse by the incredibly patient builder @Serzi, and @Rystar is living on the beach to the left and @Taramil on the right. Forgive me I know there are others but my brain can only absorb so much. :slight_smile: On the far west side of the guild island by the guild house there are many other homes built by Roark, Vandria, BeerNutz, Cryptic & crew, Bambi & Volbeater, etc. Plus some already have 2nd and 3rd homes on different islands. We just keep growing and growing!

Thank you @Cradz and @Serzi and others for the slave labor and material donations to get the guild Schooner that holds 14 (the OLD TIMER) afloat! Below deck are many cannons that guildies can man to help fight Ships of the Damned.

A few of us helped Steve Rogers of The Avengers guild yesterday with his treasure hunt just east of our guild house land. He was extremely grateful for us jumping in to help him since he was struggling and offered to share the gold he dug up (but being good old folks we declined since he was already getting taxed 10% from our lands). He really plays the Captain America role well, even his crew is painted red/white/blue. He docked in our guild bay area on Nick’s Fury. Definitely a future ally!

BONUS GAG REEL! On the left we have @Vandria demonstrating what it looks like when a Leatherwing swoops down and digs its claws in to carry you off. The still shot doesn’t do the moment justice hahaha. On the right we have @beernutz with his one of a kind stone Choclaty raft. I’ve seen a lot of boat issues, but this stuck one gets the blue ribbon.

More bonus footage! This is what @Bambi looks like trying to blow up Volbeater, thankfully the dock took the brunt of the attack but I’m sure more is coming. On the right… YES @Lilrich100302, I saw it… and YES, I hold in-game grudges. :wink:


Ok so I am in the OTG Discord but I don’t see the game dev text chat room, Also I currently located in K7. I have a bunch maps there but I am running out of weight on my raft been looking for a spot to build a sloop or schooner. I filled int he spreadsheet, In game name is Ishmeal the Soulless, company name “the Soulless” I will work on getting to K11 this weekend, not sure how to merge into another company yet.

Did you type your Discord activation request in the main lobby? When you first log in there’s instructions in the channel. Once you do, a staff person will then private message you on here to validate you.

Yes I did

Perhaps reply to whichever staff member private message’d you and let them know that you still can’t see any of the member channels yet, only public ones. Or even mention it in that Discord welcome channel, they typically monitor that very well. Once you can see the dozens of member channels, our #Atlas text channel is under GAME DEVELOPMENT, and the Atlas voice channels a few inches under that. Looking forward to having you join us, it’s addicting! :slight_smile:

Discord is sorted out. I will try to hook with you guys sat or Sunday depending on now long it takes me to do some new water lines on my computer.

Captains Log

Day 24 of Early Access


  1. We added 2 new folks to the K-11 island. Welcome to the addiction!
  2. The ginormous guild galleon is almost complete! A special shout out to @MemoryDump for a lot of slave labor, and thanks to many who donated materials to the cause!
  3. For those that didn’t hear, our semi-fearless CL Lilrich (Pirate Poopdeck) should be back in game in a few days. He’s been away due to a fried cpu. :frowning:
  4. Guillotines, Hydra Armor, and peg legs are supposed to be added to the game this week, and shortly thereafter something is being added to the ocean (we assume kraken, but not positive)
  5. Character breeding is still not implemented. Most of us are now old and wrinkled (permanent death is currently disabled until the devs add breeding, then you will raise your kid to age 20 and transfer your stats to him/her).

Guild land & building space availability updates:

K-11 (main guild base) events:
All stable at the moment, the tax bank (now located on east side by Cradz’s house) is working great and fills up quickly from strangers harvesting our lands. Still room for new folks to build a starter home (up to 6x6 for singles) on the far west guild island area (ask Cradz, Taramil, or Bambi for current availability and they will show you). Or if you don’t feel like building anything yet just keep sleeping in the guild house, all welcome!

K-14 (@HaplessChimp discovery):

  • Still a TON of guild beach area and cliff area for anyone to build on and more land unclaimed. A handful of us that don’t mind dying repeatedly are now actively building this area up to make it more habitable.
  • FIBER HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE ISLAND in the last big patch. All resources now available to build with!
  • Cold/dangerous area (wolves, lions, vultures, scorpions, ants), but very doable for seasoned players with a strong sense of humor. :slight_smile:

K-13 (Sam Crow aka @Brohawk discovery area)

  • Smaller area but buildable, all resources available

K-15 (@Serzi discovery) POLAR PLUNGE!

  • Serzi sailed down here and managed to get us a safe stone hut to spawn into (thank you!). It’s damn cold but there is crystal to farm if you don’t mind the wolves and yeti’s. :slight_smile: To survive the night you’ll need a fur outfit and 2 campfires going.

J-11 (@Taramil discovered/expanded area)

  • Taramil and others have been very busy getting this prepped and expanded for the guild
  • The alligators and wolves can be a bit annoying, but it’s livable otherwise. Lots of salt along the beach. For copper, follow the signs to the top of cliff.

**N-14 (@Bokeh discovery area) **

  • Extremely cold but tranquil area. @Cradz recently added a stone safehouse to spawn at (thank you!). I think we are the only claim there because it’s so cold. But still nice to visit for a change of scenery.

Misc screenies:

A group shot from another successful Treasure Hunt. We were photobombed by a sheep but the guys quickly took care of the offender. :slight_smile:

An attempt in K-14 to kill a semi-beached whale. Despite multiple guns and melee attacks we just couldn’t get its health down past 1/4 as it was healing faster than we could handle (this time!). Killing a whale is extremely difficult and gives a huge Discovery bonus to anyone in a 100k range.

Taramil’s Baby Mooberry was born, but since it needed 8+ hours of hand feeding and temperature control Mooberry sadly didn’t survive the night. The next day an alpha snake dropped in from above and finished off the adult cows. :frowning:

An alpha snake tried sneaking into @Rystar’s house, thankfully some of the guys were around to help remove it.

Viewing dolphins jumping gives a temporary 50% intelligence buff, though at the moment you have to jump into the water to get it. Combined with a pet crow on your shoulder (also gives intelligence buff), it makes for a great time to do some crafting on your ship.

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@Cradz’s K-14 beach house. Enhanced for the day. We wish him lots of booty & rum. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We had a very interesting chain of events happen in K11 Westside last night. I was returning from the SW and found someone had trained a S.O.t.D to the entrance of our bay. He aggroed on me and I tried to drop him onto The Free Few’s base but a chorus of undead voices rang out, “NOPE!” and they continued to fire canon at me. So I sped into our bay full speed, doing an emergency stop right by the buoy at our house (spamming X until it grabbed) The moment I anchored, the SOD stopped and remained still which is what I was hoping for since they are not supposed to attack anything anchored or shore emplacements. Problem was, there was now a SOD sitting a couple hundred yards off of our wharf! He was closest to Volbeater’s shiny new Brigantine, The Black Dog. I tried backing up my schooner gunboat, the Aquatica so we could take pot shots at him but he was in too deep of water and I wasn’t able to anchor close enough to him to do it. Not wanting to risk aggro again I docked the Aquatica. Volbeater decided to take a chance on scuttling it and swam out to it to hack on it’s hull with a hatchet. SURPRISE! This pissed it off and it started circling Vol in the water, shooting canon at him. Well after it made one arc, it suddenly decided that Vol’s Brig was a MUCH more appetizing target. It started firing on the ANCHORED brigantine and sailed right up to our wharf and T-boned the brig. It sat there, continuing to fire on it from it’s bow canon and the damage numbers were alarming to say the least.
At first we weren’t sure what to do, I ran over to the brig and set some NPCs on “repair” mode but nope, even though the boat was anchored, they would NOT do repairs while under attack. I decided to risk my schooner gunboat and jumped on the wheel, pulling it about so the stern guns were all facing. Vol ran over and jumped on a canon as well and we lit into that SOD with just two guns. Yes, we did abuse the multi-fire glitch that currently exists as we were unloading on that SOD as fast as we could. IT was still popping the brigantine with shots and quite surprisingly, Vol and I burned it down and sunk it in about 30 seconds of frantic firing! It dropped some gold, a couple of weapon recipes and three crewmen that we recruited on the spot. The repairs were not too bad on the brig and all in all it was quite the rush!
This wasn’t the first SOD kill for the guild by ship combat, Taramil had killed a couple earlier in the day using AI gunners. We did learn a lot about the game though from this:
Firstly, SODs WILL attack anchored ships if you piss them off and they’re close enough. :wink:
Second, SODs WILL come into the harbor and this just spurs me on to complete the Mortar Tower I was building at the end of Fantasy Island. It will have a few mortars up top and anytime a SOD gets too near our docked ships, we can use them to sink the SODs. (mortars have a much longer range than canon)
Lastly, those SODs aren’t as tough as we’ve feared and they die easily enough with focused fire! (and it’s a blast killing them with gunboats!)


:fountain: :baby: For anyone over 90yrs old (in game) that is still needing to hit a Fountain of Youth, we’ll be doing a third run to one tomorrow (Wednesday) late afternoon or early evening. We’ll get a boat w/ bed parked near the proper powerstone island and post in Discord chat when it’s ready to spawn to.

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Perfect timing:) Just turned 90 in game and the debuff is insane.

Captains Log

Day 46 of Early Access


  1. :crossed_flags: We added K-10 to our sizeable land claim list. Taramil turned us on to it and Illythid/Shelbii/Stormzlord/Nehebkau/Maters/Terra stayed up waaaay too many hours securing the claims despite many contesting interruptions.
    We did learn that if the person who didn’t plant the flag isn’t there to secure it, it doesn’t seem to count to allow another guildie to refresh the claim if a stranger is there contesting it (at least as of current patch). So we didn’t get all the land we tried for, but close. The building theme there will be on stilts, to keep a tropical guild theme going.

  2. :ship: The guild galleon the Royal Fortune went on her maiden voyage last week (thank you Captain @Bambi !). Success and booty were found! Some of the guys are now building new ships and outfitting them to do whaling and Powerstones. Yesterday success was had with a Hydra and at least 3 guildies got a Powerstone.

  3. :newspaper: The “big” February patch adding new content is still supposedly on track for “later this month”. New toys to look forward to! :slight_smile:


K-11 (main guild base) events:

  • The raft/buoy/pillar spiking childish griefers are still lurking, though we expect them to be suspended or banned soon. It’s ultimately up to the Atlas gm’s, so we’ll see how they handle the immature gamers. Until then, just ignore them and we suggest folks build and explore elsewhere. We have bases or outposts in a dozen or so zones now, owned and Lawless.

K-14 (@HaplessChimp discovery):

  • Huge island, we own the entire western half. Still a lot of guild beach area and cliff area for anyone to build on. The patch the other day added a TON of resin for stone building (it replaced the pink cotton bushes, and the cotton bushes are now yellow, both plentiful).
  • It’s a cold area. Leather works fine but fur armor is even better. The devs toned down the number wolves (instead of wolf packs they now run around solo), they removed the vultures (now seagulls and crows) and elephants, added a ton more cows and bears. So now it’s a mostly peaceful island.
  • We have a guild crafting house on the NW beach side, labeled as such. Also guild shipyards and a few guild taming pits. Enjoy!

K-13 (Sam Crow aka @Brohawk discovery area)

  • Smaller area but buildable, all resources available
  • A second claim is now available, northern one. Cold and barren, room to grow!

K-15 (@Serzi discovery) POLAR PLUNGE!

  • Serzi sailed down here early on and managed to get us a safe stone hut to spawn into (thank you!). It’s damn cold but there is crystal to farm if you don’t mind the wolves and yeti’s. :slight_smile: To survive the night you’ll need a fur outfit and 2 campfires going. More recently Cradz moved to K-15 for yeti harvesting, though in a different area. A harsh but rewarding life!

J-11 (@Taramil discovered/expanded area)

  • Taramil and others have prepped and expanded this area for the guild. Crafting/shipyard available and room to build. It’s a medium size land and sea claim, lots of crocs and snakes. Lots of salt along the beach. For copper, follow the guild signs to the top of cliff.

** N-14 (@Bokeh discovery area) **

  • Extremely cold but tranquil area. Cradz added a stone box safehouse to spawn at (thank you!). I think we are the only claim there because it’s so cold. But still nice to visit for a change of scenery.

** K-10 (Discovery by Taramil. Founders: Illythid/Shelbii/Stormzlord/Nehebkau/Maters/Terra) **

  • Our newest sizeable claim area. Our fun engineer @Twidge is almost done renovating the inherited main structure for guild use (thank you for volunteering to help the guild!). It will become a guild barn, guild craft house, and guild barracks. In 2 weeks we will work on claiming additional area around our existing claims. Our claim has honey and copper nodes. On the NW of the island is sugarcane. Bear and giraffe taming pits are available now for anyone to use (plus a parrot taming box attached to the bear taming pen).

  • The guild building theme here is a tropical one, stilt building over the water and keeping the land open around the main guild structure to keep the eye candy. For their hours of claiming work the Founders got first choice of building spots and dibs on inherited barn pets. Update: The Founders chose their spots so now others can. Please ask if you aren’t sure where. More land will be available in 2 weeks when timers are up and we expand.


A few of us built guild outposts on the Lawless lands to get us closer to the Powerstone zones and other resources.

E11 - @LadyDeb (safe house, small shipyard)
F4 - @Terra (safe house, tiny and small shipyard, giraffe taming & croc pit by @haplessChimp)
G8 - @Taramil (safe house, small shipyard, salt nodes inland)
H3 - @brohawk (safe house, tiny and small shipyards)
K8 - @Illythid (safe house, area has jute/cobalt/fronds/salt/iodine, elephants, parrots)
L6 - @MexicanThaMan (safe house, ____)
L11 - @Terra (sw side – guild crafting, tiny & small shipyards)
L11 - @Rystar (ne side – safe house)
L13 - @Rystar (safe house)
M8 - @LadyDeb (safe house)

Now quit reading this and go kill stuff (in game only plz!). :wink:

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Captains Log

Day 68 of Early Access


  • Thank you @haplessChimp for stepping up to help everyone and be an NCO! You’ve always been super helpful to everyone, even after you got to know us better! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • The game devs today announced an upcoming server wipe for later in March that will coincide with a lot of new fun content. We all knew that wiping was possible with Early Access, so we’ll hold tight and see how they sort that out.

When an actual wipe date is announced we can work on a plan of attack for server relaunch. Overall it will be a good thing since the game was getting stale for some, with some cool new content and more islands being added and clearing up a lot of past griefing and bugs. Look forward to new armor, enhanced Ships of the Damned, more cosmetic items, new animals, and daily quests as well as main quests as if there weren’t enough squirrels in the game already. :stuck_out_tongue:

Misc screenshots:

The guild galleon being taken out for a weekly guild event led by Captain Bambi. Very impressive at sea!

A special Valentines Day treat! Some lucky folks got shot by Cupid’s arrow and lived to tell about it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Last week some of the guys spawned the Kraken! It only ended well for the Kraken, but fun was still had.

@Twidge has done a fantastic job on our K-10 claim with building fancy structures for the guild, one of the highlights is Deb’s Diner… “It’s to Die For”. :smiley:

If anyone has some fun screenshots to share, please do so! New fun awaits after the big March patch but it’s always nice to look back on the ol’ days.