Captains Log
for OTG on NA-PVE (Hydras Den) public server
UPDATED 3/06/19
IMPORTANT NOTE: Atlas server wipe on official servers is coming around March 20th, 2019! Which means a new thread with new Atlas info will be started at that time with our new OTG base information/news/etc.
Old guild info through February 2019 is below:
A reminder to all, this is an Early Access game. Which means there are bugs, glitches, frequent patches/server reboots and we are all subject to horrible things happening such as a complete server wipe (hasn’t happened yet, but can). So if you can’t stomach that, hold off playing.
That said… it is playable, and it is a fun time killer.
As of 2/23/19
There are 53 of us playing on the NA-PVE public server (Hydra’s Den).
If you don’t want to figure out the game by trial and error there is a nice Atlas beginners guide that will get you through the basics.
There is a spreadsheet setup where we are attempting to keep track of who is who because it’s getting confusing with different OTG names vs Discord names vs in-game names. Please fill out what you can on the spreadsheet.
Some of us very early on managed to claim land in K-11 (Cornlants Haven island, NW corner is the guild house you can sleep at or park your boat around). Through much slave labor it was built up to be a guild safe haven for OTG folks. If you’ve been struggling trying to claim land while unguilded, you are welcome to come to the area to gather your resources and use the boat dock to build your ship to set sail wherever the wind takes you, or stay docked and sleep at the guild house. The best/fastest place to start the game at is Freeport area L-12 (NORTH) if you plan on sailing over to the guild base at K-11.
Mid-January 2019 Update: We now have claimed guild land in several zones, though K-11 and K-14 are still our main focus areas since they are well established and K-14 has a ton of room to build (we own the entire western side of the island!).
- We are very active in the #Atlas Discord text-only channel (under Game Development in Discord channel area). You can connect and read this without needing a headset or mic. If you have never used OTG’s Discord, find out how to.
- We are also very active on voice and have several Atlas voice channels (under the Game Development heading). There’s 15+ on voice as I type this. No obligation, and anyone is welcome to join or just listen in on the insanity.
If you are playing Atlas and would like a guild invite, please type your request in Discord’s #Atlas text channel or verbally ask in the OTG Atlas Discord voice channel and we will do our best to come to you in a starter Freeport area (L-12 North is shortest sailing distance to the guild base, no obligation) or guide you to the main guild base in K-11 if you wish to sail there on your Freeport starter raft or ramshackle sloop.
In addition to the K-11 main base where you can build a small starter home around the guild house (just ask where) we also hold claimed land in other zones:** K-14, K-13, J-11, K-15, N-14, others…
If you want to build something huge, the best place for that at the moment is our giant area in K-14, if you need help locating a spot to build just ask. We are constantly expanding guild land, so just ask us on Discord for a good spot to build is.
As anyone who has played mmo’s with OTG knows, the more people that join the more drama there is. So there are some ground rules in place. If you don’t like them or can’t uphold them you should form your own personal Company and we can then form an alliance with your Company. Not a big deal, not a game killer, no hard feelings.
K-11 Cornlants Haven island - Guild base rules and regulations
We have expanded the guild land around the main K-11 base so just ask us where you can build a cozy starter house, or if you want to build something big or have a winter home there’s a ton of room in K-14. We also have a ton of land in other zones, so if you don’t like K-11 just ask where else you can build. As of mid-January, Lawless land beds now work so you can also build on Lawless islands if you wish (decay timer is 4 days so just visit it that often).
RULE #1 - IF YOU ARE GUILDED, PLEASE DO NOT try to put your personal claim flag down anywhere on our original K-11 Cornlants Haven island without clearing it with the current Company admins… we are all on voice comms and 80% on Discord text channel). Reason being, we’ve been living on the island very early on and there has been A LOT of island drama and we have formed alliances with some local inhabitants and have some very shaky unofficial alliances with others. It’s a very delicate balance that we don’t want to upset.
If you prefer to play the role of a trouble-making pirate stealing neighbors land, please first unguild yourself from OTG and form your own Company. In most cases we will form an alliance with you, you won’t be an outcast, but then the island drama becomes alllllll yours.
Thank you.
Just because you might be able to reach into a fellow guildies personal storage container or sleeping body, DO NOT DO IT. Mistakes happen, especially when new. We understand that. If you happen to take something that isn’t marked for public/guild use, please tell the person and work on replenishing whatever you stole. Before security activation rank settings were implemented in game we had people lose thousands of resources to theft, which means real life hours lost. Please don’t ruin the game for others. You will be banished from the Company and also called out here if you are stealing intentionally.
If you need any help or have questions please type on Discord chat or get on voice comms, that is the quickest/easiest way. Or if already guilded in game press ENTER then TAB to type in Company chat for us to see (or hit the “/” shortcut key). The game is fun and we want to keep it that way for everyone. Thank you for your understanding. Now go get some booty!
1) Atlas World Map
2) Atlas Item Wiki
3) Atlas Twitter (upcoming patch and server announcements)
4) Atlas official site