What's in YOUR Fleet?

I think I have one of the baby-est (smallest) fleets in the whole org… listed from oldest purchase to newest purchase:

Constellation Andromeda - Not LTI
300i - Not LTI
F7C-R Hornet Tracker - Not LTI
Aurora LX - - LTI
Retaliator Bomber - - LTI
F7C-M Super Hornet - - LTI
Gladiator - - LTI
Starfarer - - LTI
Merchantman - - LTI
Khartu-al - - LTI
Avenger Stalker - Not LTI
Vanguard Warden - - LTI
Redeemer - Not LTI
Hull C - - LTI
Starfarer Gemini - - LTI
Eclipse - - LTI
Nox - - LTI
Nox Kue - - LTI
600i Exploration Module - - LTI
Herald - Not LTI
X1 - FORCE - - LTI
Hawk - - LTI
Dragonfly Black - Not LTI
X1 - FORCE - Not LTI
Nova Tank - - LTI
Cutlass Black - Not LTI
Dragonfly Yellowjacket - Not LTI
Vulcan - - LTI
100i - - LTI
125a - - LTI
135c - - LTI
Hercules Starlifter A2 - - LTI
Nova Tank - - LTI


Naw I only have 3 ships.

All with LTI

Ghost Hornet
Avenger (I think its called)

Lol, been awhile since i checked.


I feel like such a light weight, but I’m happy with what I’ve got so far.

As to the why (following the OP rules here):
I know I’m not a fighter, but I do enjoy cargo runs, exploring, mining, and a bit of crafting. I suspect these ships will get me started down that road, the rest I’ll earn in game.

Since we’ve done this before:

Every Drake Ship with LTI
Avenger Stalker
Super Hornet
Nox/ Nox Kue
Reliant Mako
Aurora LN
Sabre Raven

Isn’t this posting kind of redundant with my thread? :yum:

Aurora ES
Avenger Titan
Avenger Warlock
Constellation Taurus
Dragonfly Black
Freelancer Dur
P52 Merlin
Sabre Raven
Ursa Rover

It offers members options. I can post a pretty image of my fleet here.

Dragonfly Black, X1, MPUV Cargo, 85X, Terrapin, Vulture, F7A-M Super Hornet, Cutlass Blue, Prospector, Freelancer MIS, Redeemer, Retaliator, Carrack, Starfarer Gemini, Merchantman, Reclaimer


So ya, that’s a Mustang Alpha, Anvil Arrow and an Origin 125a.

Updated 30 Nov 18.

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At least you have one! Please remember to update the OTG Fleet spreadsheet!

[First post cannot be edited so this is the up-to-date post.]

I am looking mainly at a support role.

ANVL C8R Pisces [short range]
DRAK Cutlass Red [ambulance]
RSI Apollo Medivac [clinic]
MISC Endeavor Hope [hospital]

Human Transport
ORIG 600i Touring

Cargo Transport
AEGS Avenger Titan [small]
CNOU Nomad
MISC Freelancer, Freelancer Max x2 [medium]
CRUS Hercules C2 Starlifter [large; ground vehicle transport]

CNOU Pioneer [base building]
AEGS Vulcan [repair, refuel, rearm]
ARGO SRV [towing]
MISC Prospector [mining]
MISC Expanse [refining]
DRAK Vulture [salvage]
CRUS Mercury Star Runner [data, smuggling]

ORIG 315p
ANVL Terrapin
MISC Odyssey

MRAI Fury & Fury MX
ANVL Arrow
XNAA San’Tok’Yai

Ground Vehicles
DRAK Dragonfly Black
TMBL Cyclone
TMBL Storm
ORIG G12, G12a
RSI Ursa Rover
RSI Lynx

you should be able to…

There’s no pencil icon for me to click on. My guess is that I made the post and then they changed my status to correspond to staff rank and that made me look like a different person for editing purposes.

That shouldn’t change anything. Make sure you’re looking along the bottom and not for the pen in the upper right (I confuse the 2 at times!). If that doesn’t help, let me know and we’ll get it looked into.

I am looking along the bottom. I see it in my other recent posts, but not the one with my fleet list from earlier.

One more question! Did you try the … next to the Reply arrow?

Yup. No go.

For most users, the ability to edit their own post is on a timer. I forget what, exactly…20-30 minutes I think. Neph is an Officer, but her ability to edit posts is limited to Membership Category stuff…so not in Star Citizen. Hope that clears things up. :slight_smile:

Ooooh, I forgot about that! Good catch! <3 our mods!

Actually, I can edit my other SC posts long after, so my guess is back to things changing when my perms were reset.