
It’s still probably less sugar than is in the actual twinkie. :smiley:

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Unfortunately, any starch that changes to sugar in my system is suspect. I have to really be stringent about what I eat these days. Especially since I am on cholesterol control meds. But I also have to watch out that my sugar doesn’t take a nosedive. I have low blood sugar and a single piece of white bread will cause issues.

Therefore, I am on a fairly strict no starch, only lean meat, lots of fresh veggies and limited fruits type of diet. I used to be able to have a small portion of ice cream a couple times a week…well, not any more. I have to get sugar free stuff whenever I can. But the good thing is what I do eat is extremely satisfying and I never feel deprived.

But Twinkies? I’ll take a major pass on even home made ones. My major snack these days are almonds. I truly love them. I tend to zap them in the micro wave to soften them up a bit so I don’t crack a tooth, but I do like them.

So Delicious Dairy Free Coconut Milk Frozen Dessert you can enjoy every day.

cholesterol meds avoid Grapefruits and Grapefruit Juice;

Yea…unfortunately I cannot eat grapefruit any longer because it interferes with my meds. I love the fruit and juice a lot, too.

I can not tolerate orange juice because its too acidy for my system, so I started drinking and eating grapefruit as a teenager…but can’t any longer.

So its green tea, water, coffee and more water for me. Occasionally, I’ll make some awesome black tea or oolong tea which I also like, but its so expensive now. I like the dried tea leaves, not the bags or dust stuff…that is horrible. But it seems just the tea leaves are hard to come by without paying an arm and a leg for a small quantity.

I loved grapefruit for breakfast but like you I can no longer eat it, but I can drink Trop 50 and not worry about my glucose spiking.

The tea I like;

Thanks for the link to this broker. I used to have a link to an Oriental Tea seller out of Oregon, but sadly they have since gone out of business. So I have been without a source for my whole tea leaf wants.

Appreciate this very much. :grinning:

Statins are fantastic for controlling cholesterol , only problem is they can be too good not only do they reduce the bad cholesterol but they can also reduce the good cholesterol which is essential for good health too. Almonds are fantastic and really are a magical food. After many years of Statins daily I now try and eat an Avocado daily or as often as I can. This has not only helped reduce my cholesterol but has increased my numbers for the good one too essential for good arteries . Somewhat of an acquired taste perhaps but worth sticking to it if you can .

I wish I could. Unfortunately the stores where I live have these shriveled up things they call avocados that are about the size of a large prune and they charge outrageously high prices for one. If they were at least the size of a decent apple and cost same, I would be able to do that, but currently I can not. Rarely do I even see really good avocados and mostly from Mexico.

I grew up with one of those trees in our neighborhood that everyone shared in because it was planted in the center of the common area. Wonderful fruit and we would have those often. I remember also being able to obtain papaya all the time as well, which is another wonderfully nutritious fruit.

Avacados…ugh. I think I would rather eat a Twinkie. :smirk:

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yep…acquired taste. Just ask kids who eat the oddest things what they think, after they have grown, what they think of their childhood treats…lol

…lots of :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But I remember squeezing lemon over the fruit before I ate it. To this day I still do that whenever I can obtain a decent size one that is not the cost of a small gold mine.


Now, I don’t mind me some hummus for chip or cracker dip as long as it is flavored well…

Avocados on their own can be fairly bland, but they add a creaminess to lots of dishes.

I like making a mixture of avocado, tuna, onions and something acidic like lemon juice or vinegar and salt and pepper to taste. Spread this mixture on some toast or fresh bread.

Yum just like that but to go the extra mile add a slice of cheese and grill it till the cheese melts and browns a little on top.

My family grow certified organic Avocados commercially so we have an abundance of seconds that need to be eaten so it’s not something I ever pay money for.

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Tesco Ready To Eat Large Avocados Each

Tesco Ready To Eat Large Avocados Each 69p

we can get these most of the year round, although some things are not as fresh since stupid Brexit as getting held up at borders

69p is about $0.937