Starfinder 2E playtest interest


I’ve got stuff for the Starfinder 2E playtest. In Foundry.

Currently, we’ve got:

  • A single level 1 scenario (2-3 hours in length): Shards of a Glass Planet
  • A full adventure levels 1-4 (multiple hours long sessions): A Cosmic Birthday
  • A single level 5 scenario (2-3 hours in length): It Came from the Vast

In the future (September? October?) we will also have:

  • A single level 10 scenario
  • A full adventure levels 10-14
  • A single level 15 scenario

The rules under the hood are 100% (supposedly) Pathfinder 2E compatible. So use your existing PF2 books or resources like the Archives of Nethys.

Hero Lab Online has a free update book to build SF2 characters (assuming you have access to PF2 character building already). I don’t know about Pathbuilder or Paizo’s Pathfinder Nexus.

There is pre-gen characters ready to go for each of the six playtest classes at both levels 1 and 5.

No purchase(s) necessary. You just need a Chrome-based browser (with hardware acceleration permissions, blah blah, etc).

I can’t do Thursday, Friday, or Sunday.

If yer interested post day availability/choice, and which of the content you would be interested in.

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I would be interested in giving this a try. I would love to try the level 1 one shot and maybe continue with the level 1-4 full adventure. The best day for me is Tuesday. What are you thinking the start time would be?

Tuesday would work for me as well as Monday

I’m interested in playing. Not picky on the content, and can be available any of the open days after 7pm est.

Possibly interested in trying one or more scenarios, not sure if I have time for full adventure but interested…

Normally I would jump at this, but I’m having some health issues and since its making me extremely tired, the only 2 days I have open are Friday and Saturdays. And Saturday’s I have Ryu’s Rime of the Frost maiden game. And Friday is out for you. So I look forward to the tales of those who can do it!!!

Good luck to all the victims… :skull_and_crossbones:



Now I’m scared! :scream:

I am interested. I can do any of the open days in the evening except for Saturdays.

Still looking?

I did a little SF1 and my schedule is fairly open right now.

Yeah yeah, we’ll keep this up for a week or so. Gauge interest 'n stuff.

My schedule varies week to week so depends on what you decide but usually Wednesday is out which is my weekly D&D night.

I’m interested. Mon/Tues maybe Sat would work.

Schedule update from my side. Tuesday is no longer the best day for me. I would probably be missing 1-2 sessions a month due to a new commitment with my sons scout troop. It looks like my only availability would be Monday evenings, but the earliest I could start would be 7:30 PM EST.

@Rando Any update on scheduling?

Also a bunch of Starfinder tools here for both 1E and 2E, including chargen.

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So Monday?

I think I’ve convinced @Spoon and @Zhel that we’ll run Starfinder 2E playtest stuff on their regular Sunday night after we’re done the current PF2 adventure.

As for the rest of you:

a) are you available Monday nights Eastern 8:00ish?
b) have you played Pathfinder 2E before?
c) have you Foundry’ed before?
d) the level 1 scenario or the level 1-4 adventure?
e) premade characters or make your own?

Who Available PF2 Foundry Adv Premade
@Fenwald Yes Y Y E E
@Schplam Yes Y Y E N
@RanterX Maybe Y Y N Y
@elf_boy Yes N Y ? E
@gr33nm0nk Yes N Y E Y

a) Maybe (depends on my schedule that week)
b) Yes
c) Yes
d) Level 1 (to start)
e) Premade

I would definitely like to play an Envoy at some point. Still reading, but probably a Solarian after that.

A: Yes
B: Yes
C: Yes
D: I’m fine with whatever is easier for you, but normally I like full adventures.
E: Make my own :slight_smile:

A: Yes
B: Yes
C: Yes
D: Either works for me.
E: I am fine with either

a) are you available Monday nights Eastern 8:00ish? Yes
b) have you played Pathfinder 2E before? No
c) have you Foundry’ed before? Yes - Starfinder 1 campaign
d) the level 1 scenario or the level 1-4 adventure?
e) premade characters or make your own? I would need help