Starbases - Getting to Colony V

To all, and @Benbrada @Viking @Mithinar :

People are putting resources in the Energy Colony Projects on the Fed side, since itā€™s the top one in the list. I will let them lapse without re-slotting when they complete, because it is the only way I can change the order of projects.

So admins, please wait until re-slotting Colony projects until you can put Infrastructure projects in the top slots, if I donā€™t get to them in time.





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Looking good, all tracks are counting down together, I should be able to switch to the ā€œdesiredā€ order tomorrow.

Donā€™t panic if there are no Colony projects slotted, Iā€™m on it as soon as the current ones pop :smiley:

Thanks to the legends filling up the projects, maneuver complete! :smiley:


Progress on the Fed side is good, we will soon have 200K/250K XP towards Colony Infrastructure V, and therefore towards Colony V! Good job!

The bad news: we are going to run out of Colony Ore Provisions since we are going through them so fast.

Ways of obtaining Colony Ore Provisions

Please check your inventories in case you have Colony Ore Provisions, you might have accumulated a few without realizing it.

To donate, go to the Colony Holding > Coffer > Ore > Contribute

Thanks for all the support :smiley:

Almost there! :slight_smile:

Almost there!!! Thanks to the pros knocking those projects out of the park :smiley:


Phase 1 Complete

Thank you for your efforts! Next step: Upgrade Infrastructure V, itā€™s at the bottom of Colony Projects, under Colony World Special Projects

This will give us the 1,000 XP required to start the Colony V upgrade project! :slight_smile:

We Need More Colony Ore Provisions

EDIT: We are going to need colony ore provisions, tons of them. I posted a bit earlier in this thread about them and how to get more: Starbases - Getting to Colony V - #6 by Andargor

In the earlier post you referenced it says to put Colony Ore Provisions in the cofferā€¦ is that still true or should I put them into the Colony World Special Projects?

You can of course put them in directly if you can, at that time I was filling up smaller projects with the provisions, so the coffer was a way to allow people to contribute. Got for it! :smiley:

Iā€™ve been putting all my Fleet Marks in the Colony World Upgrade Project; Iā€™ve looked at the rewards for completing Morale T5 and I ainā€™t got any idea what all that is :yum: I donā€™t know what all the rewards for completing the upgrade project are either, the only reason I keep contributing stuff there is itā€™s a bit daunting looking at how much that project takes so I keep trying to fill it up but if yā€™all think I should be putting my Fleet Marks into the Morale project just say so.

Also I have over 5000 Colony Battery Provisions in my bank that Iā€™ll probably never use all of so should I put some or all of those in the coffer? I have over 4M Fleet Credits so yeah :yum:

I am almost 75 years old so who knows how much longer Iā€™m gonna wanna keep gaming- donā€™t want any of this stuff to go to waste :wink:

Hi! Thanks for your efforts :slight_smile:

Yeah, Colony Infrastructure V is a bit of a slog because we are gated by the Colony Ore Provisions, we only generate a bit every day, and the rest has to come from missions (I mentioned how in my Colony V post).

There are no great rewards for the other two (Morale and Energy), all we need to do is finish Infrastructure V to unlock the Colony V upgrade project, and then we are done!

The Morale and Energy projects are there to allow people to get FC, thatā€™s about it, thereā€™s nothing left to slot. Itā€™s the same as with the other holdings.

So other than adding Fleet Marks to the Infrastructure V project, the only thing I can suggest is helping the KDF fleet if you wish? The Colony there is far behind the Fed one.

And yeah, if thereā€™s space in coffers, please donate, but I think the battery one is full.

Iā€™m confused, isnā€™t Infrastructure V done? Iā€™ve been contributing to the upgrade and if Iā€™m seeing it right thatā€™s 68% done

Itā€™ll be done when all of the Colony Ores (mission and daily supply), and all Fleet Marks have been donated. The bar is not full yet :slight_smile:

Snortā€¦ I did my best to get them caught up to the Feddieā€™s base!!!


Infrastructure Project Complete!

Thanks to our contributors! Now once this pops, we should get the actual Colony V project available, I or one of my colleagues will slot when it appears :slight_smile:



Last Project is Up!

And then weā€™ll be done. Next up will be KDF :slight_smile:

Only Dilithium and Fleet Marks remain to be donated for the Fed Colony! Almost there!

Project filled up, countdown commenced!

Well done everyone! :smiley:

Next challenge, get the KDF Colony upgraded :slight_smile:


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All done on the Fed side! Congrats!

We need KDF love now :smiley:

EDIT: Check out my short guid on getting the Lukari Dranuur Scout Ship for free here: Fed - Getting the Lukari Dranuur Scout Ship (Science) for free

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