Red Dead Online PC - Any OTG interest?

Correction: I am Maalpractice in game not ladymaal

I started playing just a few days ago, my in game name is OTG_Ulfur

I am planning to purchase on Stadia. Really want to test out the Stadia features so maybe some crossplay with straight up pc players would be cool. Ut i have to warn you I haven’t played thefist game either.

Has anybody received their Twitch Loot yet? I finally got a message that my accounts were linked, then got $100 RDO cash and a bunch of ammo and food, but still no free Bounty Hunter license. I submitted a ticket about a week ago and never got a reply.

I only have a regular Twitch account (for addons) but I recently got $100 cash and goodies…not sure why.

Still working on finding a working mic for my laptop. I can hear y’all in Discord but cannot talk yet. I am really struggling to learn this game. Such a tiny red dot on my target lol. I am only used to tab target killing as in Wow etc.
Noctiluca (OTG) has shown infinite patience in trying to help me. I have found I am a danger to myself and others on a horse… and in a wagon… trust me, do not get close.

I finally got the free bounty hunter license today. The in-game cost showed zero gold so I bought it. They must have fixed it on their end since they never replied to my support ticket.

It seems we have 2 ‘crews’ in RDR2 online.

One of the crews comes from GTA online.

Are none of y’all on Discord for Rdr2? I wish the game had text chat but since it does not I have been forced to use discord lol. Have not seen any names on this thread there. The few of us in RDR2 discord have been having a great time

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