READ ME - Joining the Star Citizen in game Organization for OTG

you are back in

nugget03 is my RSI handle.


Just now planning to join OTG in SC. I read the top post from 2018. Is that still what I need to do to join?

Any information appreciated.


Hey Griz, LTNS

Go to the RSI website and apply to the Organization HERE. When you do I can accept your application there. Just be sure to let me know your RSI handle so I can tell which is yours.

Glad to see you coming on board :slight_smile:

Heh. Looks like I’m already in as Griz (handle name griz44). Like I said…been a while. LOL!! (Tell me if I’m misinterpreting what I’m seeing.)

So now I guess I just need to know how to get hooked up with OTG when I log in to the game.

And also…I would accept and welcome any advice on how to get started in SC in general, something like a tutorial, or just some general direction. Thanks.

Griz start here for some how to: Getting started in Star Citizen

and as far as hooking up in game, well…that is easier said than done.

Right now the in game party system is a mess and even trying to friend someone is wonky.

The good news is that in the next update (probably coming in a week or so) we are getting a revamped system for adding friends and joining parties. It still is not a system to support orgs, yet, but that is coming too (soon).
Last year they talked about adding more features to support orgs but those features got bumped in favor of other stuff. Only recently have they come back around to that stuff and I expect to see a bit more of it in the big patch this summer, version 4.0

For now, best to hit discord and mention you are in game or leave a thread here with the time you want to get together. Friend me (handle = cimtaurus) and as many others as you see around here.

We don’t have many active right now. The 3.8 patch was really bad for combat and those who were still active have gone on break until 3.9 for the most part. It is still a game in development so it goes through phases of new content and features that are buggy and then a patch to polish them up and kill some bugs.
Right now we are in a buggy phase but like I said, there is a patch around the corner so it should be better soon.

If you have any specific questions don’t hesitate to ask, start a thread here and someone who knows will answer.
I try to fly at least 2 or 3 nights a week still but lately work has been 50-60 hrs a week so that has severely hampered my play time. But post a time and I will try and meet up with you in game and offer some starter pointers.

I pledged yesterday and am still figuring out this amazing game, My RSI handle is 3ddylan.

I sent in an application via RSI just a few moments ago, I included my forum name.

I am looking forward to seeing what this game has to fully offer and to figure out how to land “safely” without crashing into the surface.

You are in :slight_smile:

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I Just applied on the RSI site, my name there is also StarLord,

Also Talos says Hi.


Welcome @StarLord! You might want to join our community here, also!

Here’s the place to start: Before You Apply… Things to Know
Submit an application here:

Just sent my citizenship app to OTG in game.


been in for 7 years, but may need to learn to fly again with my NEW Throttle. ** :flying_saucer: :ringer_planet:**


Just submitted an application on the RSI website. User handle, ThalenChase.



Hi. I submitted an application on your RSI website. My RSI handle is XanXelten. I’ve had this game from the beginning of its release. I still consider myself a noobie with it. Recently I have started playing it again. Finally—getting a better hang of it flying and not crashing as much when landing. I would like to get more active with this game with others. I have purchased several ships throughout the year–so I have a nice little collection. Let me know if you have any questions?
Sincerely XanXelten


Just checking to see if there was any progress on this. I think I had origionally submitted my application too early.


I will look at roster today and make sure to accept your request on RSI site

and welcome :wink:

Awesome. Thank you!

Hey there. I just submitted an application on the Star Citizen org page. My in game handle is DarkKnight75. Thanks a lot everyone.