Post Here If You Have Pledged (2019 Edition)

If you have pledged to the game please post the earliest level you subbed for, your account name on the Pantheon forums and the character name(s) you intend to use when servers go live. If at anytime your information changes between now and the launching of an official chapter, please repost with the updated information.

Current Tally (as of 02/08/21): 167 OTG Members

  • Pre-Alpha: 38
  • Alpha: 88
  • Beta: 22
  • Launch: 4
  • Not Specified: 15

There is a spreadsheet below that you can access and use to find peeps who are playing during the same testing phases as you. This will be for OTG members only. DO NOT share this with anyone.

Also if you posted on the old VB5 website you do not need to post again since we already have that information

Spreadsheet link

You can comment on the spreadsheet to suggest revisions (like if you change your earliest pledge access level by upgrading your pledge, or want to add another character name).

COPY & PASTE, then post below:

Pledge Level (ie. pre-alpha, alpha, beta, launch) -
Account name (Pantheon forums name) -
Character names -

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Note: Our forums prevent the editing of threads that are over a year old. So I’ve created this new one to continue where the older (2018) sign-up thread left off. All of your previous responses have been tallied and the spreadsheet link remains active.

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I have not pledged yet, but I will be pledging this summer around July or August.

Sounds great, @Ryuken. Once you’ve jumped on board, just let us know here and we’ll get you on the list!

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Hey look, a spreadsheet!
(Good to see you Design.)
Pantheon remains my only hope (Obi Wan) for mmo gaming,
I haven’t played an mmo since whatever I last played here with OTG.
I still have a VIP pledge and may play whenever they release this ornate tortoise.

Heya, @Altha!

Glad to hear you’re keeping an eye on Pantheon. I’ll try not to let this spreadsheet get as complicated as the one we used back during the BDO launch. :exploding_head:

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Pledge Level (ie. pre-alpha, alpha, beta, launch) - alpha
Account name (Pantheon forums name) - Roshy
Character names - Roshyr

Welcome aboard, @Roshy! I’ve added you to the spreadsheet and the tallies above.

Hope to see you on Terminus soon! :slight_smile:

Hiya Guys,

Pledge Level Champion which is Alpha onwards.

OTG Forum Name: Thasaman
Pantheon Forum Name: Thasaman
Character Name: Thasaman

Pantheon Profile has been updated with the OTG code.

Thanks all.

Heya @Thasaman,

Glad that you’re joining in on Pantheon!

At the moment, you’re username is showing in gray. If you’re looking to join OTG, you can find all the necessary information on the process here.

If your application is in process, I’ll be sure to add you as soon as that gets finalized.

If you’re an existing member who had an account on the previous forum, you can post here to get back to active.



Hey folks,

Pledged Sunhunter last year, now it’s reworked to Triumvirate, pre-Alpha (if I ever get emails BEFORE event so don’t miss it).

OTG Forum Name: Bemidien
Pantheon Forum Name: Bemidien
Character Name(s): Bemidien (tank), Daemonus (DPS)

Awesome. Welcome, @Bemidien!

I’ve added you to the list and updated the tallies in the original post. Looking forward to seeing you when the next PA stage rolls around. :slight_smile:

Pledge: beta
OTG Forum Name: Oggr
Pantheon Forum Name: Oggr
Character Names: Oggr (tank) Gozr (dps)

Hey @Oggr,

Great to see you joining in on Pantheon. At the moment, your username is showing up in non-member gray. Here’s some quick info to get you activated:



Pledge Level (ie. pre-alpha, alpha, beta, launch) - Alpha
Account name (Pantheon forums name) - Firewalker
Character names - Firewalker, Shadowwalker, Epicfire

Woo hoo! Welcome aboard, @Firewalker!

I’ve added you to the spreadsheet and updated the tallies up above. Can’t wait to get to Alpha and see you in-game. :slight_smile:

Noticed my info on spreadsheet is blank so here it is.
I am a advisor pledge which is alpha and beta access
Forums name is Wildfires.

Thanks for the update, @Wildfires.

I’m not sure why your line was blank… but it’s not anymore! :slight_smile:

Pledge Level (ie. pre-alpha, alpha, beta, launch) - Alpha
Account name (Pantheon forums name) - Devolux
Character names - Devolux, Oxlorne

Awesome. Great to have you on board, @Devolux !

I would say that I look forward to seeing you in Alpha, but from the WoW Classic threads I know that I’ll see you on Azeroth even sooner. :slight_smile: :alliance2: