Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (Group A) Thursday evenings *CLOSED*

So sorry to hear of your loss @Ryukan . Take care :heart:

@Greylin-Reshanis @fenwald @Jendai @lalanehla @jpmo

Heya all, my apologies in advance for doing this again, but I have to put the start of the campaign back a a bit again. Life is throwing too much stuff at me right now and I’m struggling to deal with it all. The death in the family recently was my aunt, my mom’s only sister. My aunt was the last of my mom’s family living in the same are upstate as her, so she has decided to move downstate to be closer to me and her grandkids (not mine, my late brother’s kids), I’m going to be helping her with that, taking time off work to go upstate on and off over the next couple weeks. Also, my eldest dog has reached the end of his journey in life and I have to schedule a final day for him when I will have him euthanized at home. that is going to wreck me up emotionally and mentally for a little bit. Probably doing it Tuesday or maybe Thursday depending on how my schedule works out.

I would not be able to commit the energy and effort needed to start the game off well for you all at this moment. I have also just been a bit too preoccupied with stuff to get my last bit of prep done and make sure you are all set up and good to go. So again I apologize, I am going to set the start time for the game to April 6th, the first week of April. We will start in April barring the end of the world or something equally unforeseen and catastrophic. I will be getting with you all in the next couple weeks to finalize your backstories and such and I will post a lead in to the adventure next week to set the stage for which town your group starts in.

Hang in there all and we’ll get this going I promise.

@Greylin-Reshanis @fenwald @lalanehla @jpmo

Would you be interested in a 1 shot session while we wait for @Ryukan to hopefully get back to a normalized life? I’ve got two ideas.

  1. An AL adventure which could act as a prologue to this campaign. We would use your already built characters. Any gold/XP/items would be “lost” before the campaign start, unless approved for use by our DM before the actual campaign start.

  2. A completely unrelated adventure using different 1st level characters.

I wouldn’t be able to get something together until the 30th. But if I did, please respond over in Discord if you are interested, and what Thursdays you are available, i.e. 23rd and/or 30th.

I see the @Ryukan already has Avrae Bot installed on his discord, so we would use that for dice rolls. Player sheets would be whatever you prefer. Any maps and tokens required, would be done via web browser, connected to my Foundry VTT server.

PS. I’ll repeat this message in a Discord thread.

@Jendai @Greylin-Reshanis @lalanehla @fenwald @jpmo

I have set the start date to April 13that 7pm EST. I’ll finally be ready to go and I should have my mind free and clear of the stress of all the BS lately. I’ll be reminding everyone a day or two before the session start and I’ll get with you all in the next week or so to make sure your characters are ready to go.

I hope all is well in your world. Looking forward to our first session on Thursday, April 13th at 7pm Eastern.

Glad everything is getting better for you. Looking forward to Thursday night.

@fenwald @Greylin-Reshanis @lalanehla @Yamakawa @Jendai

We should be good to go for the first session on Thursday. I’ll be getting with everyone in the next few days to make sure your characters are finalized and tokens are good to go.

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Looking forwaed to thursday

@Greylin-Reshanis @fenwald @lalanehla @Jendai @jpmo

Everyone ready for game night tomorrow?! I’m getting in all my last minute/day before prep so we should be good to go!

I’m ready, unless it turns out I’m not.

I’m ready, looking forward to it!

I am going to listen in and secretly take notes for the Saturday group. I hope I just said that in my head :slight_smile:

You wish…not even with a Wish spell :smirk:

This game has an open slot for the Thursday night campaign. Group of 4 that is just finishing up the first chapter and will be lvl 4 moving into the next chapter. Hit me up if you are interested in joining.

Come and get in on the action and maybe freeze your arse off in Icewind Dale! Don’t make this poor group of adventurers turn their cleric into a tank!

I resemble that remark… though I am not the main tank…

Malinar from the Saturday Group…

Bumping this, still have an open slot for a 5th player. The game runs Thursday evenings from 7pm EST to 10PM EST on Roll20. Hit me up if you’re interested in joining!

Still have an open slot in this game for one player. The group is lvl 5 and working on Chapter 2. If you would like to join this game in progress please PM me here on the website.

Can’t wait to join the adventure with you all.

I bought the book bundle for players on roll20 so I can start planning out my character. Would you guys prefer that I make a fighter or a barbarian ? I just realized that I am going to be getting a root canal a little before the game starts tomorrow, so my mouth still may be numb during my first game.