Goblin culture is coming to your favorite realm...LOL


That car is cool looking.

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I havent played WOW in many years. When I go on , I dont see any of the realms mentioned as OTG realms. It also seems that my prev characters are gone. I was a member of the WOW clan way back… Can you tell me which realm you are currently on? thanks… Minfear

Here are links for each of the OTG guilds. So it would depend upon which guild you are interested in.

Alliance OTG guild: WoW has expanded guild functionality over time, allowing you to join OTG from any server and any faction.

Horde OTG guild:

Note: Hashberry noted that the Horde guild invites work if you’re on either Kul Tiras or Bladefist, since those servers are merged together. I think the majority are on Kul Tiras.

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Invites into either chapter work from any server, any faction.

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