WoW Horde Officer List

NOTE: All listed can help with guild invites for alts. If new to the Chapter, please seek out an Officer or above. The officer’s expected top 3 toons are listed. As these are ever-changing, please seek out an invite on Discord or in-game. Please provide your character name, server & faction when requesting an invite. Bnet ID is required for cross-faction guilding.

Chapter Leader: @Moddoxx
Character Names: Moddoxx, Ruj, Tanagra

XO: @Hashberry BNET HashberryOTG#1647
Character Names: Kaleberry, Kaleyna, Stormykow

Officer: @Billasa
Character Names: Abully, Bullybill, Dabully, Evilbully, Miniholy

Officer: @Endressa
Character Names: Endressa, Zaiannah

Officer : @Kelryth
Character Names: Kellethryn, Kelletheyr, Kellethryuu

NCO: @Weltazar
Character Names: Weltazar, Wealtavar, Weltamus

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