[Finished] Wednesday 07:30 PM Eastern, Eberron

@Dacheese, @Stormin, @Silent, @Elmin, @fenwald, @Vulreyn

I’ll be ready for our next session, next Wednesday. See you then.

I will probably not make it tonight, moved a ton of stuff over the weekend and mon Tues and I am exhausted

Ok. Rest up.

Sorry for the late notice all. Have a family issue and will not be able to make it on tonight

Roger that. With 2 players down, we’ll postpone until next week.

Are we all going to be here tonight?

At the least I will be late, friends asked us to go to dinner and celebrate their daughters 18th birthday

Have to run a quick errand will be on as soon as possible.

I’ll be online and will wait until about 8 eastern to see if enough are online to play.

I will be late tonight, possibly a no show. Having some people over for my daughters graduation.

Game off. Will be working late.

Guys I am a bit under the weather today. Going to take some medicine and head to bed after I finish work. If I am feeling better, I will be on later, but there is a good chance that I will not make it on tonight.

Received and understood. Get better!

I’ll be there tonight if we get enough to run the session.

Having technical difficulties. No game today.

okie dokie seez ya next week

I am not going to be able to make it tonight. I am going in to the hospital for a manipulation of my knee very early tomorrow morning . Sorry for the late notice.

okay fen. Hope you recover quickly

“manipulation of my knee” sounds like doctor speak for “this will be unpleasant”. But hope it goes well whatever the case.

Guess we bailed too early. Just as we were signing off, I saw @fenwald come online. No biggie. Cya next week.

Sorry, RL showed up won’t be there tonight.