[Finished] PF2 - Outlaws of Alkenstar (Saturdays, 8-11 EDT)

Yep, ‘turge just sounds funny to me and makes me giggle :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I don’t know anything about the class and wasn’t intending any commentary about the actual class viability/usefulness/enjoy ability.

So, to go over what we talked about today during the Starfinder conclusion, I’m thinking that, "Yes, we won’t start this until the Impossible Lands books is out in case there’s any new stuff we want in there for Alkenstar based characters.

And I need the vacation.

So tentative start date is ~drumroll~ … … … Saturday November 5th!

OK my character is locked in to start with at least. Dragonscale Kobold Sorcerer, unapologetic pyromaniac, delusions of dragon grandeur and at least a bit crazy in the head. I’m debating driving @Rando a little nuts by getting Cavalier archetype to get a large Riding Drake to add to my delusions of dragon grandeur :smirk: Then I can just ride around slinging spells from the back of my big boy or girl. Buuuut I am probably not gonna do that as the interplay between mount and Cavalier is oriented more around a martial/melee combat type character and not a caster.

Foundry has some fun shit to play around with for ambiance and neat effects for a bit of immersion.

Wait a sec…

I said Nov 5th, but the book in question is coming out Nov 19th…

I’m so confused.

ok, ill see you for session 0 aka getting to know Foundry on 9/10 then :slight_smile:

Zim - Dragonscale Kobold Sorcerer.

Who would possibly want a brother/sister/childhood friend for their character? No idea what I am playing yet, but I was considering tying the character to another character, rather than be a bunch of strangers like our starfinder start.

I’ve done that sort of thing before. I am thinking my goblin worked at a circus before the adventure, if you want to make that sort of tie. Lots of possible connections through that medium, hehe.

Well at this point these are my only three character thoughts:
Dwarf - Fighter /cleric
Gnome - cleric/druid
Dwarf - Barbarian - haven’t thought to much on this one yet. was going to wait to see where the rest of you land before I put too much effort into him.

Haven’t decided if I am goin to throw in the free archetype of one of the three with any of them. yet.
With the first two with being close to the wastes and such, I am leaning to having them both be Oread heritage.

So if either of those will fit with what you eventually go with, I’m happy to have known ya before hand…


I’ll probably take the Alchemist free archtype thingee. Not sure if my character really has a background that invites a tie to another character unless any of the rest of y’all are pyromaniacs as well :smirk:

Well there goes my idea to play a character that was bullied by you in the past, and fled town after you set them on fire. Only to come back now to quietly plot revenge for the torment you, and the burn scars you caused, put them through. Guess i wont play the oracle. LOL

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So was thinking about the dwarf. Since I know we have a sorceror and a rogue. I think I’m going to plan on the dwarf fighter at this point. I have changed him though instead of cleric, I am going to go the Medic archetype at level 2. And i am going to have him go inventor for the free archetype.

However he is going to be a two-handed weapon wielder. No shield. So either dwarven Waraxe or a Maul. Maybe carry both.

No idea about skills at the moment. Other than medicine being taken to legendary.


I’ll keep the proto rockie on the back burner just in case though.

so far we have (written lightly in pencil):

Goblin Rogue/Ranger DPS
Kobold Arcane Sorc/Alchemist DPS/?
Dwarf (Oread) Fighter/Medic/Inventor DPS/heals

I will look through my characters and see if that helps me settle on one. I think i have a couple that could work out, there are a few that have been shaped towards battlefield control.

Who’s doin the 'turge?

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Probably quite a few people in the Azlanti Star Empire.

still not sure i can bring myself to do a 'turge. Wonder if i can do a 'turge with a targe?

actually i just finished a fun little druid that might fit in with the group. Added her to the stack, now that most of the group is penciled there are some that will be crossed off the roster. But there are a couple new ideas i want to look at too. :smiley:

I just don’t get Paizo sometimes. I thought for sure 'turge would be a spellcaster, but nope.

(From Google)



  1. a worker of wonders and performer of miracles; a magician.

“Aspiring thaumaturges please note that your spells are notoriously unreliable and that even if you have reached the required magic level, they are still liable to fail from time to time.”


Apparently Paizon decided that 'turge needed to be a fake caster or something.

Yeah, sticking with the character concept I already have, 'turge does not interest me.

Well, if you liked the ‘turge, you’ll love the elementalist :wink:

So Elementalist…that ain’t out yet and isn’t in PF1e?

I think ocelot meant kineticist?

Which is basically “The Last Airbender” for PF2e