[Finished] PF2 - Outlaws of Alkenstar (Saturdays, 8-11 EDT)

Sounds like you’re tempting the fates there :smirk:

I’m a 2h-wielding tank (the only heavy in the group) with no shield…I’ve been tempting the fates since we started hehe.

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you have a full time healer at your beck and call, what are you worried about.


Hey no complaints here. Not worried so much as mindful…of dying in combat. Like the time you went down right after I did (I still chuckle over how you moved over to where I was down to “stack the bodies”). Most of the healing so far has taken place out of combat. Which is not to say that you have not done what is needed healing-wise in combat to keep things going, you certainly have. But I’m a 2-hand wielding tank without a shield, so I’m missing that sacred + or two to my AC…until I get the ancestry feat that gives me access to the shield spell that is.

and who do you think was providing that? LOL

I know what you meant though, just poking at you since its so easy without that extra AC.

That initial series of fights was rough on spell economy. I find I am being very critical of when I spend a spell slot, trying to make sure its a combat that is worth using the slot. I look forward to having more slots to throw around some spells without worrying that the next fight is going to be harder and more worthy of the expenditure. And I really hope we get some actual down time at some point during the campaign so I can make use of all the crafting Kadenza has access to, at lvl 6 I planned to take Magic Crafting, it would be nice to spin off some of her spells into wands and not have to keep them memorized all the time.

Maybe we should make Rando play Saturday, since Dragonflight isnt out this week :slight_smile:

works for me

If anyone is interested foundry is 10 dollars off till the end of the month, in case you see yourself gaming in the future, and want to use foundry over fgu.

Sorry this is last minute but I am unable to play tonight. Please kill Ms. Loveless for me. :smiley:

We’re off on Christmas Eve. Yay!

We’re on for New Years unless anyone objects? Boo.

works for me

oh and Stompey, Dakota is still alive, less ammo, and i think only hit twice, but still alive.

@Rando I didnt think about it at the time because of not being my character, but I suspect Dakota probably had some way to recover some ammo during the 1 day down time we took.

OK, so game next week, then the following we get to go to bed early to wait for Santa! If we play New years eve, we should play to midnight :slight_smile:

pacific time

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OK I actually don’t need to get a bludgeoning weapon I just need 550gp to get one of these:

Clockwork Macuahuitl

@everyone since I didn’t have a lvl 4 class feat picked prior because I misinterpreted the free archetype, I could use some input to decide on a class feat that would best benefit myself and the party as well. my choices are

Exacting Strike - an attack that doesn’t count towards MAP if it misses

Sudden Charge - two action double move+one attack

Brutish Shove - make a target flat-footed and shove on a hit, bonus effect of flat-footed even if it misses

United Assault - My strike gets a circumstance bonus to damage rolls equal to the amount of allies that damaged the same target since the end of its last turn

Quick Reversal - single action strike against one flanking enemy, get a free second strike against the other flanker that has the same MAP as the original strike and doesn’t count towards MAP

Swipe - Two action single strike against two adjacent enemies within reach. Counts as two attacks for MAP. If the weapon has sweep the sweep bonus applies to Swipe

I “narrowed” it down to those from all the fighter feats. Exacting Strike is iffy actually, I doubt I would use it that much or at all because most single strikes I do from now on will be Intimidating Strikes. Sudden Charge is pretty self-explanatory. Brutish Shove is good just for the auto flat-footed even if the attack fails. United Assault sounds good, but it is highly dependent on the initiative order for the party and for the target. Quick Reversal is really handy if I get flanked. Swipe is ok, kinda iffy to spend a feat on an attack that is highly dependent on enemy positioning, although in a pinch if I got surrounded by more than two enemies the potential for Swipe+Quick Reversal combo every turn could be pretty nasty if I was flanked and there was one or more enemies adjacent to a flanker and in melee reach. Problem there is my planned build doesn’t have room for both the Swipe and Quick Reversal feats.

Waddya all think?

Either sudden charge to help you close, because you dont seem to need a straight line. or the CC of brutish shove because you can use it every time. The others are even more situational then sudden charge.

Actually checking myself, knockdown is really good. Map doesnt count until both actions have taken place. Its only 1 real attack, but if your athletics it good its great CC, especially with a 2 hander.

My vote - assuming I have one - is for Brutish Shove.

Sudden Charge is amazeballs™ but almost completely unnecessary on Paizo sized maps.

My concern with Knockdown is that it costs two actions. Tex wants to do Power Attack every round (consuming two actions); Knockdown would never get used.

Brutish Shove would be “perfect” if it didn’t have the Press trait, so you could Brutish Shove then Power Attack. But alas… Press. But as a single action follow-up attack, we don’t even care if it misses, on a failure it’s still worth doing.

I did say everybody. I consider your opinion valid and worthwhile, you have more experience with PF than I do.

Ok ok I consider your opinion valid and worthwhile…most of the time. Is that more believable? :smirk:

So I looked at Knockdown but I didn’t put it on the list mainly because of the two action cost. While I wouldn’t go so far as to say I would never use it, I will say I would rarely use it. Maybe use it to break a grapple on another party member (or maybe myself) or stop someone from running away. I will be ranking up my Athletics second only to Intimidate. Since I got Intimidate up to Expert for free with the Marshal archetype I can rank up Athletics at earlier levels than if I didn’t get Intimidate to expert without using a skill increase. Knockdown is also has the flourish trait so even if it was a one action cost still couldn’t use it with Power Attack.

Regarding "Brutish Shove*, I wasn’t even paying attention to the Press trait, so I could use Power Attack and follow it up with Brutish Shove correct? I get what you are saying about Brutish Shove used before Power Attack, that would be pretty OP considering PF2e and Paizo won’t stand for it.

Looking my planned build over some more a bit closer and I was looking at getting the Desperate Finisher feat later on at higher lvl which gives me a sorta Haste effect, at the end of my turn when I have used up all my actions I use Desperate Finisher to get a free use of one action with the Press trait so things like Brutish Shove would work great for that.

Of course looking closer at my planned build and feats and such now I have even more variations popping into my head. I am now looking at maybe investing in the Advantageous Assault fighter feat and feats that would augment it or proc it or off of it. Advantageous Assault is a single action strike that gives me a decent circumstance damage bonus (=the number of damage dice with an extra +2 to that for 2 hand weapon) if the target is grabbed, prone or restrained. This would go nice with Knockdown. Advantageous Assault also DOES DAMAGE IF THE ATTACK MISSES! It does the circumstance bonus damage at the very least if the attack misses. If I had paid more attention to this feat before we started, I probably would have built Tex more around that.

Actually I am seriously thinking about getting Knockdown and Advantageous Assault because that gives me another one turn combo I can alternate between that and Power Attack+Intimidating Strike. Still not discounting Brutish Shove just for it being a strong single feat. I’m still looking over stuff to see what might combo well with or proc off Brutish Shove.

OOOOOOEEEEEEE! Yeah I think I am certainly going to be picking up Advantageous Assault. At lvl 10 I can get the Marshal feat Topple Foe. This feat is a reaction that I can do if an ally strikes an enemy that we are both adjacent to…you know as in like FLANKING! Or even just adjacent to it at all. If my ally successfully hits the target I can make a reaction to try and Trip the target. That…is going to come in really handy with Advantageous Assault.