[Finished] PF2 - Big Troubles in Little Otari Extravaganza (Sundays, 8-11 EDT)

I think I need to watch Kill Bill again.

The one time I played Zircon I noticed that his Tiger stance was really good for damage. I’m mostly interested in a weapons oriented build. The interwebs consensus seems to be that a monastic weaponry monk isn’t as good as the various unarmed stances. (Although staff might be an exception it’s not really what I’m looking for thematically.)

A rogue would make an excellent shinobi / ninja style character if only there were some way to get master proficiency with a katana or even just a wakizashi. So I think that leaves the fighter.

@Rando how big of a role will social encounters play in Hell’s Rebels as opposed to combat? The player’s guide gives the impression that charisma is kind of the stat to have in this AP.

“They” say that about almost every AP though. It’s what y’all make of it that matters. About 75+% of every character class, feat, archetype, spell, ability, etc, is geared for combat. And the APs are written that way. Y’all can finish the entire thing murder-hoboing every encounter. Yes, there are options to do things via face-skills and - gasp - even stealth; but that’s up to y’all.

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I’m taking a mental health day today.

Sounds good - hope all is well!

yeah good call … we are definitely not good for anyone’s good mental health :smiley:

Take care of you Rando :slight_smile:

it looks like they changed how the racial ability boosts work and the voluntary flaw.


Ooo nice. Maybe we will meet Zanistra’s sister Zaniska who is a sorcerer!

Glad they decided to nerf the flick mace.

Haven’t done it yet but thinking about pulling the trigger on this 'cause I want to support more PF2/Foundry. It doesn’t really affect us 'cause

a) we’re using those top-down tokens
b) the NPCs/creatures in Abom Vaults Foundry Edition already have their own circular tokens made

But in our future Hell’s Rebels game, I think we’ll switch back to the circular ones.


As per the group DM in Discord, we’re off tonight. Feel better @Spoon and @Binasii!

So y’all did (finally!?) find the encounter that will ding y’all level 7! So, obviously, get that ready.

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I might have gone a too far? I’ve heard that that is possible, though I don’t really believe such nonsense.

We’ve got 12 new fun add-on modules to play with on Sunday…

Have mercy I beg you.

As per discord, I guess I’ll see everyone on the 12th?

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Inspired by the new token for Eddy’s gunslinger from the other thread I present to you my intepretation of what this party feels like to me:

I didn’t spend very much time on these and yet at the same time waaaaay too much.

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Hmm… so Zircon is Bashful, Glenden is Sleepy, Zulli is Dopey, and Mortimer must be Grumpy!

Remember when I was all stressed out about what we’re gonna do after Abom Vaults is done? And supposedly we’re doing Hell’s Rebels next? But I ditched Hell’s Rebels for the Thursday night group 'cause no one ain’t got no time for that? And instead we’re doing Gatewalkers on Thursday?

Well the follow up to Gatewalkers - Stolen Fate - is coming out in April and would also make a pretty fantastic follow-up to Abom Vaults - which is something I pitched as a possibility waaaay back when, but I nixxed that idea 'cause I didn’t think we had enough time, but y’all spent like what feels like 8 months in the previous level of the dungeon.
