[Finished] Friday 5E D&D Scales of War - 8:30 - 11:00 pm Eastern

Sorry about last week.
I’ve been brooding ever since. No, really.
As long as I dont go postal, or do and get away with it, I will be in-game on March 22nd in the year of our Lord 2019.
I’m taking the day off to ensure I’m early and prepared. Well spent PTO I’m sure.
In the "mean"time, what went down…?

One of those eh?
Well LMK if I should make alternative plans.
-Peace. Love. War.

Game night tonight

Not positive I will make it tonight, trying to get sick and feel like crap

Stop trying. You’ll do better that way.

OK. I have the 12th & 26th down in my calendar. Just making sure. Dont wanna miss again.
Please confirm.
Thank you!


confirmed. i was a dornk and sat int he channel a bit tonight

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I will be late on Friday. My son has a Cub Scout event.

I contacted the dr today to get oxygen for when i sleep until the damn cpap machine gets here. Here’s hoping it helps with my sleep and I’ll be functional next game.
Sorry again guys.

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It should help a lot once you get it adjusted right. I hope you feel better soon.

I hope that come soon for you and helpSs.

I know it did for my cluster headaches and help both my mom and dad it’s their sleep apnea.

Oxygen, we all need it! :wink:

Typical, typical I’m OMW.

For May we will be playing on May 10th and May 31st

in tabletop channel

What’s our dates this month?

My understanding was the 14th & 28th.

Please correct me if otherwise.


Yes, that is correct. 14th and 28th

I’m sorry for the late notice, but a good friend of mine has had a major health crisis and I want to go see her at the hospital tomorrow night. As a result, I’m going to have to cancel the game this week. I do still plan to have the game on the 28th.

Dude, rl comes first.

It’s all cool Grapper, hope things clear up on the good side.

As for myself, I will be unable to make the 28th. May Bahamut guide Rhodaar safely.