Fallout 76 Friends - Who and How

I’ve seen quite a few comments about finding each other in game. I’ve tried to pull in posts that cover this topic, as well as list bethesda IDs so you can find each other. If I missed moving your post to this thread, just drop me a note! There are also Fallout 76 voice and chat channels on Discord.


It looks like the PC players will locate each other via their Bethesda game account name via the social menu so perhaps a way for us to share this name here will help us find each other in 76. My Bethesda tag is Windy99 or if lower case is not allowed WINDY99 if the game is playable on my bootcamp of win 10 I will be on during the beta trying to figure out the way leveling and progression works… I sure wish they had a webpage of instructions explaining it all for folks like me who are not as quick as we were 60 years ago:walking_man:

Since there have been questions:

New updated info here Finding Friends/Social Menu

Can we keep a “Friends list” here so we can place each other’s names into a Bathesda friends list once (if) that capability opens up?

I’ll call myself OTG-Mustard

I am cyajojo on Bethesda.net, ( I played DDO, currently ESO) I like crawling in every Fallout Game.

Just trying to get a head start before Launch on some fellow OTG names here.

Supposed to be seamless and join friends.

DEAKON on bethesda.net deakOTG on PSN not sure which it will force me to use sony made me use psn on ESO
Beta Tomorrow for all.

Google Photos

templarga1976 on Bethesda.Net.

I will want to play F76 with other OTGs but as I play on a Mac via boot camp I really don’t have the system resources to spare for something like discord. I will be playing the beta as Windy so if you see me wave

I’m Grauz on Bethesda.

Windy99 on Bethesda

Kasen23 on bethesda :smiley:
Looking forward to playing online!!

Sproctor61 in Bethesda.net

On PC. I’m lgm25c on Bethesda.

On PC, Syobloot on Bethesda

Once I know what I’m actually allowed to name myself, I will make a giant list of all OTG members that are playing and will post it here for all to fill their friends list with. :slight_smile:

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Daveon on Bethesda

I am russ.schrader on bethesda.net
No Character name yet

TimRuckle on Bethesda dot net (didn’t realize this’d be my in game name too! %^)


I’m See-saw.
Excited to start playing!