Fallout 76 (For PC, through Bethesda)

XxStill clueless
I am one of the misarible that has been forced to both redownload and unlock starting at about 6pm eastern the redownload is just under half done after 2 and a half hours the unlocking is worse 21 gig done of 48gig at 114 mb a sec it says 6 hours and a half to go… it has been constantly getting worse it started out a 400MB/sec and 3 1/2 hours for t(e unlocking.
It’s a real mess for a lot of us in the pc beta tonight…
I think it will be using the social tab on the PC searching for our Bethesda I’d WINDY99 is mine perhaps I will see you in the game on the next beta day session

It is your Bethesda.net account name.

Did you ever get in?

I made it eventually. Probably played about two and a half hours? Had fun. Need to get used to the controls and decide which view I like best. My mouse sensitivity may need a little tweaking too. Died a couple times, once before I’d even managed to craft a weapon. Second time during an event (had only a machete against some tougher mobs) but luckily right as the event criteria were met, so I got the kewl l00t. By 8pm I’d crafted a set of leather armor, had a couple pistols, and leveled up 3rd. Was hoping to get to five but whatever.


Nope still chugging away on is now glacial slow re download we try again on Thursday.
This should have happened months ago not just before release in a few days time now the programmers ar looking at days of no going home sleeping under desks to try to fix the installer mess in time.

I had the same issue. I had to redownload, and after a few hours the speed went right to hell. Didn’t finish until after Midnight. I wasn’t just disappointed at losing the BETA time, I do understand that things happen and that this was likely a code glitch/file recognition/some random whatever and that’s not a big deal. My personal issue with this is that I am on a metered internet connection, and almost 50 gb again is a good sized chunk of my monthly allotment. That stuff gets costly.

Hopefully, Thursday’s extended BETA time will help iron out more wrinkles and let us all get in to test this puppy.

I did not get in. By the time I got home and launched the launcher, too many people were re-downloading the game. I was limited to 4MB / sec and then it went down to .5 MB - 1 MB from there. I did watch some people playing on YouTube without impacting my download rate. I stopped the download later as I knew there was no way I would get it in time.

I started the download again this morning and it was a better rate. I hope to play Thursday.

Bethesda dot net name is russ.schrader

So much for anonymity :slight_smile:

I did not get in last night. I had to redownload and at time was under 800 KBPS. Yes with a K.

I will also be loading Discord tonight so I can chat. Do we have a dedicated channel or just build one on the fly?

We have a text channel. It looks like the voice channel was over looked. I put in a request to have it looked into.

I went into the Fallout 76 channel tonight and it had an audio icon down at the bottom, so I think it audio may be enabled.

I am hoping to be on tomorrow around 7:00 PM Central. My account name is TorgSmith.

I enjoyed that. The game was solid for me and I was on ultra setting at 1080p. I will probably try FOV at 80 next time. Now the wait for Saturday.

I am hoping the reason they have not put up times for next week, is that they want to see how long sessions go. I am hoping they have the servers up much more next week.

I had a great time last night. Was pretty solid for me too, bit of lag at a busy check point and some when shooting up close, but that’s about it. Really close to Fallout 4 for me.

I had a blast. SO much fun to explore and do the quests. I did a couple events. I had some hitching issues that I need to troubleshoot…I lowered my graphics and it went away so its one of the settings. FO4 was the same way.