Crowfall - Guild name registered - accepting signups

Hello everyone, I’ve just recently been accepted into OTG and I am very interested in joining the Crowfall chapter. I’m hoping that me posting here will lead to that. I’ve been playing the beta and have leveled a minotaur ranger to 30 so far. I’ve been playing around taking outposts in the infected area and trying to figure out crafting. Anyway it sure would be nice to share the experience with the guild.

thx Lefarious73

Join us in Discord! That’s where most of the conversation around Crowfall happens. Although currently it’s fairly quiet, people are wanting to start doing some stuff again.

If you sign up on the Crowfall website for the guild… Right. Just checked while trying to get the link and you already did :slight_smile: Accepted you.

thanks so much fot the invite i was in discord but nobody was in there im in game atm farming resouces and taking outposts im looking forward to playing crowfall with you all.

When I go to the crowfall site to apply for the crowfall guild it is grayed out and says to come here. I am hoping to be apart of this guild on July 6th. How do I apply ?

We get invites all the time so it should be one. Train again and if you have issues we can get you on launch

Most people sign up on the website and give a yell in Discord. And I’m pretty sure I already accepted you in the guild like a year ago?

Dropped an app on the website. Also in the OTG Discord too. GreenLant3rn in game too.

I have been unable to apply on the crowfall site. How am I going to join the guild in game?

I have no idea how to help you there. The guild is “Old Timers Guild” and we have had applications being processed for the last year without an issues. So some more info of what issues you have might help.

Sent request, Bigred14 in game

Got you in :slight_smile:

Well. I would have if the website didn’t crash… Soon!

Can you send me an invite in the game. My name in the game is Kaysyn

I can try if we actually manage to log in :smiley:

Bought my Crowfall package today. Didn’t know there was any guild discount or if that was a previous year thing or whatever. No expectations. :slight_smile:

In any case, see you all in-game. :slight_smile:

Hit me up in Discord this week if you guys are having issues getting in and we will see what we can do

You’re already in the guild. Unless Truewall added you in the last day, I’m fairly sure you were in there already from Beta :slight_smile:

I’m still in the guild from beta, but haven’t played in some time. FINALLY was able to get on the server that wasn’t lagging or crashing. Question: does one need to play on a particular server to or faction?


Nope. Doesn’t really matter. Although we are mostly on US East 3.

Are others having trouble with crashes and super laggy servers?

Not that I’ve heard anyone mention, no. I’ve been in all day without any issues anywhere.