Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

OTG expects you to respect your fellow members’ ability (whether or not you believe they deserve it) to participate in and enjoy all of the aspects our community and the games we play, including in-game, on the forums, or in voice chat. This includes:

  1. Communicating
    In English in public areas.
    In a manner that does not contain unlawful* or objectionable content and does not involve disruptive, offensive, or abusive behavior. As an adult, your interpretation of “offensive” may differ from others. Please use common sense, be respectful and civil to other members, even if you disagree with them (argue your point; don’t attack the person). Discussion of game emulators is not allowed on any service provided by OTG.
    In a manner that does not discriminate** or disparage on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, gender, national origin or sexual orientation.
    In a manner that neither impersonates another person nor misrepresents yourself or your affiliation with any person, group, or other entity.
    In a manner that does not involve flooding, spamming, advertising, or otherwise distributing any junk mail, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation material.

  2. Supporting the efforts of the staff to manage our community by
    Following the chain of command to escalate, discuss, and resolve any issues or disputes you might have. Raise your issue first with a staff member or chapter leader. If your issue is not resolved at that level, then escalate to an admin.
    Keeping those discussions private. While public discussion of issues are fine, disclosing the content of private communications as relating to specific issues or disputes is not acceptable (whether by a member or staff).
    Accepting the decisions of the guild’s staff (whether or not you agree with them).

  3. Complying with all of your obligations under any game-related agreements, including any license, terms of use, non-disclosure agreement, beta agreement, code of conduct, or any other agreement.

  4. Not sharing any of your OTG account information or any other information that permits you to access any guild services (including the forums and any OTG voice servers).

  5. Complying with any chapter-specific policies. For example, dual-guilding policies are established and maintained at the chapter level.

  6. Non-consensual PvP with other OTG members is strongly discouraged.

OTG’s motto is simple: “Laid back, not too serious, no drama…all about the fun.” OTG staff will enforce this code of conduct to fulfill the spirit of the motto, which goes further than following the letter of this code of conduct.

*Unlawful content includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, hacks, and exploits.

**Nor will we discourage, discomfort or disembowel.