WoW Classic Chapter Policies and Invite Instructions

WoW Classic Chapter Policies


GM - Chapter Admin
Lead - Chapter Lead
Officer - Chapter Officer
Recruiter - Chapter NCO
Member - Chapter Members
Cone of Shame/Recruit - Disabled Guild chat for misbehaving guildies

A current list of staff can be found here: WoW Classic Staff 2021


Each member will be allowed 10 guilded characters in each chapter. This can change with chapter needs.


When necessary, characters who have been inactive the longest will be expelled from the guild. You are free to rejoin at any time. The length of inactivity allowed will fluctuate based on available guild space.


We welcome streamers! Please see our Streaming Policy.

Invite Instructions

There are 2 ways to obtain an in-game invite to the Classic Chapters. If this is your first toon, proceed with the following instructions. If you already have guilded toons, just ask in-game or Discord for an alt invite.

If you do not belong to our Discord, use method #2. Discord is not mandatory to join either of our in-game guilds.

1. Discord:

  • Place your character’s name in the <#classic> Discord text channel in the World of Warcraft section of the OTG Discord.
  • If you notice a recruiter in an OTG World of Warcraft Discord voice channel, feel free to join that channel to request an invite.
  • Invitations via private Discord messages will not be processed. Appropriate channels must be used.

2. Forum (Discourse):

Once you have posted your character name in either the forum or Discord above, find a recruiter in-game:

  • If you notice a recruiter in a Discord voice channel, feel free to join that channel to request an invite.
  • Do a “/who The Old Timers Guild” in-game chat and whisper anyone listed. They can check what recruiters might be currently playing and help facilitate an invite.

Code of Conduct

Chain of Command


Chapter policies may be amended, updated, or otherwise adjusted with no notice. Updates will be noted at the time of change.

v.1.9 Updated Staff link and discord invite info. Slight grammar fixes, punctuation, and extra spaces. (2021/04/22 @Kelryth)
v.1.8 Upped guild limit to 10 toons per member. 04/16/2020
v.1.7 Removed Discord “invite” channels in invite instructions.
v.1.6 Lightened requirements for alt invites; removed in-game channel invite option
v. 1.5 Upped guild limit to 5 toons per member.
v 1.4 Invite instructions edited for clarity. 09/13/2019
v 1.3 Upped guild limit to 4 toons per member.
v. 1.2 Invitations will no longer be processed via private Discord message. Approved channels that reflect OTG member status must be used,.
v. 1.1 Invitations are no longer permitted via in-game request only and must now be verified via Discourse or Discord posting before proceeding, small edits.
v. 1.0