[CLOSED] Strength of Thousands, Thursday nights 7:30-10:30 PM eastern time zone

I’ll make sure its up Monday

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I think I’ve got most of my character done. There’s a couple of things I’m not sure will work right.

#1 I set up a persistent bleed effect on my battle form attacks and it is supposed to double on a crit, I guess we will see if it doubles. Also I found a different syntax that spelled out the flat DC so I put that one in a separate effect in my focus spells so I can apply either 1d6 or 2d6 depending on what I need if it doesn’t work right in the weapon line I have built.

#2 I set up my battle form so that it alters the appropriate stats from what I would normally have. So the spell actually works just like a list of effects when I cast it. The two parts of that I’m not sure of is the temp HP and my athletics skill. I can do both manually if I have to, but I’d like it to be a 1 button thing if possible.

#3 I have no clue how to set up my pearly white spindle aeon stone. It gives me 1hp/minute. That means that any time we start combat technically I would be somewhere between 1 to 10 rounds away from getting a hit point. Honestly I’m not terribly worried about getting 1 hp in combat at a random point but I would like to get my hps from when we do a 10 minute search and whatnot. Also I get 1 resistance to negative that I need to figure out. That last bit should be easy. I think.

The hardest part about this character is going to be remembering all the passive stuff that happens in special circumstances… I have 10 levels of abilities all at once. Everything else will be pretty straight forward. Step 1-change into animal form. Step 2-hit stuff.

Other than my 4 cantrips I have 3 spells. All of which I cast at the beginning of the adventure and they last all day.

For gear I went pretty minimal too, wealth by level doesn’t allow for a lot. Handwraps +2, Wounding, Shock. Explorers Clothes with a Resilient Rune. Wayfinder with a pearly white spindle aeon stone, and a shapespeak mask. All that mask does is let me still talk while I’m in my battle form. It specifically states that it does NOT give me the ability to cast spells in another form if I can’t already cast… which I can’t in battle form. That’s it for gear and I have a little spending money left over.

Oh… I did forget that I have the Marshal dedication so I do intimidation stuff too… so maybe a LITTLE more complex than I let on.

So um… I never have to play Celebguar right? Right?!?

It’s gonna be easy! push a button to make him big and put on all his buffs and then hit stuff. You won’t HAVE to do the other things. They just keep him alive if he goes to dying and such. You don’t have to turn on the Dread Marshall Aura… but who doesn’t like free extra damage?

I also need to remember that I get a free Level 8 or less Fighter Feat that I can choose at the start of every day. Herolab doesn’t throw that out to make sure you do that so I forgot until I was going over my abilities a bit ago.

I need to build my Dread Marshall Stance button too.

Something something… Thursday… something something


We hit lvl 11. when was the last time you leveled up Mak? not sure if you added lvl 10 abilities, never mind picking lvl 11 stuff

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Is it Thursday yet? It’s not Thursday.

'tis not.

It is now.

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I’ve spent the morning making PFS versions of my Celebguar character. I can make him very similar even in PFS. As predicted running the second dedication of Marshal doesn’t work, but that just lets me dump Charisma completely.

Convert him to FPS instead. He will be a total badass! #drivebycomment

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Source [Gamemastery Guide pg. 74]
Magical traps can usually be counteracted by [dispel magic], and those without a listed proficiency rank for Stealth can be found using [detect magic].

Ah, it was the Stealth proficiency that the trap has! Not a certain expertise level! I couldn’t remember exactly what it was, but that jives. So, did those stinger traps have stealth? :slight_smile:


So the intarwebs is getting their hands on their physical copies of the Remastered Player and GM Core now (and/or the content creators are making videos on the remaster material) and people have been LOSING THEIR MINDS over the “remastered” Dying rules.

Which apparently have supposed to have been this way since the game launched! Bad copy/paste got inserted into the CRB (and all 3 editions of the errata/reprints) regarding Dying that was correct on the DM screen (which I own and apparently have not read that closely).

This is what the Wounded condition says on the DM screen which also is what it says in the Remaster (parts underlined by me):

Wounded: Any time you gain the dying condition or increase it for any reason, add your wounded value to the amount you gain or increase your dying value. The wounded condition ends if you receive HP from Treat Wounds or if you’re restored to full HP and rest for 10 minutes.

Fugh me.

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Good thing I made a character that is harder to kill than my last one… @grapper that was not a challenge!

Wow, I sure have missed a lot…

Class is almost over just today and next Thursday. I am going to presume no game on Thanksgiving so I hope :crossed_fingers: to be back on November 30 or whenever the next game takes place. Do I need to level to 11 or if what Eddy did has been working well I’m good to leave it as is.

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