[CLOSED] Strength of Thousands, Thursday nights 7:30-10:30 PM eastern time zone

Happy One-Week-of-Starfield Day!

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We have 2 people out for September 14th, so no game.

I’m sorry. I was a bit of a dick last night. I like my sorcerer - honest.

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Happy two-week-Starfield-anniversary!

P.S. I deleted my second character who was level 66 and started over in the wee hours of the morning um… this morning.

Happy Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 2.0 day!

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Grapper’s still on vacation this week, correct?

I’m here this week, I’m out the next two weeks



Next game Oct 12th.

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Game day! Hope I remember how to play…… I cast heal

Yay! Looking forward to it!

@Makuzi Well you missed it. It was my birthday, and @grapper murdered me. I’m pretty sure she fudged the dice rolls too. At least that’s the way I’m telling the story.

So now I’m making a new character. It’s such a chore. My least favorite thing to do in any RPG. :looks innocent:

So Daemoro’s twin brother Celebguar is the reason that Daemoro came to the school. They are trying to find a cure for Celebguar’s curses. Yes plural. He only had one curse to begin with but now he has more. This is his origin story:

It isn’t often that the drow move to the surface, but sometimes it is required. Times like this, where the confluence of ley lines on a magical night will lend the power needed to complete the ritual experiment. She will know his name after this. She will take note of him. The painstaking process of acquiring the cloud dragon egg took so long that he was unable to be as picky with the wolf. He’d had to rush. After the full moon tonight the ley lines would move and the research would start over. He admits to himself that he was a bit lucky that a wolf had wandered so close to a place of such strong magical energy. Usually these creatures have instincts that keep them away. He sees this as confirmation that Lamashtu approves. The wind is beginning to pick up. Will there be a storm? He smiles, of course there will be a storm, in a place like this, on a night like this. The full moon is just beginning to pass into the opening of the dormant volcano above. It is almost time. He checks the bonds on the wolf, makes sure it is secured to the table. It watches him curiously. He marvels that it does not struggle. He caresses the dragon egg and smiles again. What an adventure that was. What a prize! With a wave of his hand he ignites the dark-candles around the perimeter of the magic nonagon defined by three overlapping equilateral triangles, each rotated precisely 120 degrees from each other. Thick clouds scud across the opening above obscuring the moon. No matter, he can feel the magic swelling as he starts the chant. The wind rises. Magical energy starts to crackle around the ritual “circle”. Now the wolf begins to squirm. He senses something now. The crackling energy competes with the gloom shed by the dark-candles. The random strobing effect reflecting from the egg makes the wolf’s eyes glow. It begins to thrash in earnest as the first hints of thunder rumble through the dormant volcano. The clouds begin to part in a perfect ring, revealing the full moon directly above the ritual. Time seems to slow. He sees the lightning forming in the clouds to strike. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. The wolf begins to grow and change shape. He barely has time to think “That’s not supposed to happen.” The lightning strikes down from the ring of clouds through the moonlight as a simple bat flies out of a crevice in the volcano wall in an attempt to escape the rising swell of magic. The lightning blasts through the bat down into the ritual circle, igniting it. The lightning flashes back and forth, trapped by the ritual. The magic of the ley lines surges in response to the now empowered spell. As his chanting reaches its climax there is a blinding flash that obscures the now humanoid wolf that is freed from its bonds but is wrapped around the dragon egg with lightning coursing over its body. The circle explodes, throwing the drow across the room, slamming him against the wall. As he pushes himself to his hands and knees he blinks rapidly, trying to clear his vision. Blood trickles from his nose and ears. His vision isn’t clearing. He can’t understand the words through his damaged eardrums, rumbling from the beast that lumbers towards him “What have you done to me?” The beast reaches out and casually rips out the drow’s throat.

So you see, Celebguar was a druid cursed with Lycanthropy, but after this ritual where the drow was attempting to create a Fleshwarp using a wolf and cloud dragon… because… SCIENCE!.. he has multiple curses. A lot of things went wrong. If you want the specifics of what went wrong with the ritual and the symmetry of 3’s I will be happy to elaborate. Ultimately it ended with Celebguar now being stuck as a Fleshwarp/Beastkin. He is stuck in this hybrid form. His lycanthropy is somewhat repressed by this new form and even when he TRIES to change shape (wildshape) his form doesn’t really change all that much. He loses his manual dexterity and such as he normally would have changing into a battle form but he doesn’t really LOOK different. Well he does get bigger now. He had been studying at the school for a long time but had ventured out to do some independent research when Daemoro had showed up at the school intending to help him. Celebguar returned to the school after the party left and has been traveling in their direction, arriving just in time to miss the death of his brother. (or whenever grapper decides)

Game mechanics wise he is a fighter/druid/marshall with wildshape abilities. His “looks” not changing is simply window dressing. He takes on the form of the wildshape and still has to follow all the rules of that, which are many and varied and I have been doing a LOT of research to figure out what works with it and what doesn’t… because surprise, surprise not all the rules of the game really define how they interact with all the other rules in niche cases like this. But I’ve erred on the side of caution and not tried to be super cheesy. The cheesiest thing I’m doing is well within the rules. With wildshape you can use your character’s Unarmed Attack modifier instead of the one from the battle form. AND if you do that you get a +2 to the attack value as well. Since his primary class is fighter, his unarmed melee strike is 2 higher than most other martial characters anyway… and he gets that additional +2. This is set up solely because I can’t seem to roll to-hit in the double digits way more than is statistically probable so I am gearing it so that maybe, just maybe, I can hit things. Oh and the marshall dedication is there to help with demoralizing things to lower their AC and adding static damage in his aura.

So as long as Grapper doesn’t have any reservations, that is what I will be playing… of course if she DOES have a problem she could just murder me… AGAIN!

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Challenge accepted!


Doh… wrong thread. Sorry, force of habit.


Trying to decide on a token. I tried using an AI generated one but of course the fingers are wonky and I couldn’t get it to drop the sword. The other 2 are good but a little more wolflike than I wanted and while I LOVE the lightning effect on the one I don’t really know if it fits.

I think the middle guy looks most like the Silver Wolf but the last guy does look pretty awesome. He’d just need to get some shocking handwraps. Handwraps work with the wild shape stuff right?

Striking Runes don’t work but since I’m using my own unarmed strike the potency runes will help. The general consensus is that elemental damage runes work. Cloud dragons use electricity so maybe that would be more thematic.

Is PNG the proper format for Fantasy Grounds?

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@grapper do you think that sometime before Thursday I can get on the server and make my character?

Is there a way to make the character offline and import it?

I can start up FG for you when you have time. When are you available?

I’m available now if that works. Otherwise any night this week after 4pm cst