Battlefield V New Launch Day November 20th (The DICE Controversy)

very disappointed with this patch, the ttk was fine and I think dice is having a knee jerk reaction to poor sales. Put why be surprise this is typical EA for a while now

We are surrounded!

The new TTK is growing on me. My numbers have pretty much stayed the same. It is a little harder to kill somebody, but you can also get up an move behind cover when getting shot.

Hilarious explosion lands screaming soldier in front of my medic for a revive.

Battlefield V Letter to the Community - New “Core” Playlists Coming.

What, this looks awesome. I may never play, but props to being able to play out my 6 year old living room battles.

Today’s BFV changes and those coming up on Wednesday, Dec 19th:

That’s sad. I liked the new TTK. My K/D stayed the same, but it just felt better to not get buzz sawed to death when turning a corner. I noticed less camping (I switched from camping MG/42 & VGO to assault M1A1) because camping got me smoked. When targets have a small chance to react , stuck in prone position is a bad situation with no option but to stop firing and shuffle. I killed less at distance, but was able to get behind cover when getting hit from distance.

I’m a big fan of BFV and pulling out the MG42 again!

Medic to the rescue. I was just able to revive @nightravn. Knowing where an enemy is, is so incredibly helpful in a game where spotting the enemy is a challenge.

V1 Rocket (Slow Motion) C Flag:

I’ve never looked at the explosion . Good gracias that looks good.

I got you covered. 3rd floor enemy cleared.

Nice! Good graphics since I play low.

I believe my settings are on default. It’s a mixture of medium and high with all the effects on.

Fighting through the boom, fire, smoke and haze:

Anyone else joining us, feel free to join our platoon as well

Stolen from Reddit. Pretty dead on. Good job Dice.


Still looking for our old friends, Mystron, LCourage and few others to revive the BF4 dominating crew. We are running about 2 squads now. Could use 1-2 more squads to really dominate games with teamwork.

Santa got me the game, I’ll be learning how to play this week and hope to join you all soon

Just jump in our squads and learn on the fly.

Great to hear it. We’ve not gamed together since Battlefield 3.