World of Warcraft Has Good News For Players Who Missed an Important 20th Anniversary Event Achievement

It appears Bliz has decided to provide access to Felcycle mount – indefinitely

World of Warcraft has moved Alyx, the NPC in charge of the Guest Relation mystery questlines from the 20th anniversary celebration, to Dornogal, where they still accept missing Celebration Crates. Though the Guest Relations questline itself is no longer available, this has ensured World of Warcraft players can still obtain the Detective title – and begin the hunt for the elusive Felcycle mount – indefinitely.

As well as WoW 20th Anniversary Event: All Celebration Crate Locations

Aside from all the festivities, the 20th Anniversary event in World of Warcraft brings a whole slew of secrets for players to uncover. Between the secrets of Zul’Gurub, Naxxramas, and the Secrets of Azeroth, having hidden things to discover has become increasingly popular among the playerbase.

In addition to the Guest Relations storyline, there is also a series of Celebration Crates scattered across Azeroth. In order to start searching for the crates, you will need to speak with Alyx outside of the Caverns of Time and ask her for harder challenges. Players only get the vaguest of hints about where to start their search, and if you are struggling to find these crates, here is where you should go.

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