to the OTG Alliance Chapter of
World of Warcraft
Q: What servers is WoW Alliance on?
A: WoW Alliance is primarily on Anvilmar and Undermine. We are also connected to Alterac Mountains, Balnazzar, Gorgonnash, The Forgotten Coast, Warsong, and Xavius
Q: Who are the officers for WoW Alliance?
A: You can find a complete list of the officers and their in-game characters in the first post below.
Q: How do I join the WoW Alliance Chapter?
A: Please fill out an Intra-guild request. The information to do that is in the second reply below. The place to post your request is HERE.
Q: How do I get an in-game invite?
A: The quickest way is to get into Discord and find an officer. They will have a tag in front of their name that begins with CL, XO, or CO. If you cannot use Discord, then doing an OldTimersGuild Who Search should bring up our members in-game. Message one and they will get you to an officer. A list of our officers is in the first post below.
Q: I’m new. Where can I learn about the chapter.
A: We have a great post which will help you out. You can read the full document HERE.
Q: Do you have guild events?
A: Yes! We have a very active events calendar. Be sure to check our Message of the Day or calendar in-game.
Q: How do I chat in-game?
A: We use Greenwall to chat between our OTG in-game guilds. You can find out about it in the third post below.