World of Warcaft Alliance FAQ


to the OTG Alliance Chapter of
World of Warcraft

Q: What servers is WoW Alliance on?
A: WoW Alliance is primarily on Anvilmar and Undermine. We are also connected to Alterac Mountains, Balnazzar, Gorgonnash, The Forgotten Coast, Warsong, and Xavius

Q: Who are the officers for WoW Alliance?
A: You can find a complete list of the officers and their in-game characters in the first post below.

Q: How do I join the WoW Alliance Chapter?
A: Please fill out an Intra-guild request. The information to do that is in the second reply below. The place to post your request is HERE.

Q: How do I get an in-game invite?
A: The quickest way is to get into Discord and find an officer. They will have a tag in front of their name that begins with CL, XO, or CO. If you cannot use Discord, then doing an OldTimersGuild Who Search should bring up our members in-game. Message one and they will get you to an officer. A list of our officers is in the first post below.

Q: I’m new. Where can I learn about the chapter.
A: We have a great post which will help you out. You can read the full document HERE.

Q: Do you have guild events?
A: Yes! We have a very active events calendar. Be sure to check our Message of the Day or calendar in-game.

Q: How do I chat in-game?
A: We use Greenwall to chat between our OTG in-game guilds. You can find out about it in the third post below.



To get your invite in-game you can jump into the WoW Alliance Lobby in Discord or contact one the officers listed below.

WoW Alliance Chapter Officers:
Title - (In-game Rank)- Forum Name (In-game Characters)

Chapter Leader - (Crown) - Aerythe - (Aerythe, Alexah, Daevaa, Daerdra, Demmi, Elspaeth, Haedys, Adaera)

XO & Hospitality Officer - (Heir) - Lynspottery - (Friedbones, Mystiviolet, Nyls, Stirfryz, Agnass)

Treasury Officer - (Champion) - LoganV - (Tolos, Korquon, Theakiba, Daayne, Dogbone, Aralorn, Hellboiy)

Events Officer - (Champion) - Prissy (Prissiwynd, Prissidelite, Prissidebow, Lockieprissy, Gnaughtgnome, Totempris, Firenicepris, Tinyhealpris)

General Officer - (Champion) - Mahala - (Mahala,Purerain, Mahalae, Exzathpy)

General Officer - (Champion) - Nawtynurse - (Nawtynurse, Lilpoteet, Kyelæh, Kyelah, Ihateyoufin)

General Officer - (Champion) - Arcano - (Helean, Solararc, Dryadis, Lyiam, Archoni, Bakhtosh, Vesteris)

General Officer - (Champion) - Macneel - (Vikkrum, Macneel, Trevain, Xixer, Foster, Macandrews, Mactavish, Macdevin, Macallisater, Gregorvich, Macdaniels, Draconovich, Draython)

NCO - Cleanheartz - (Clean, Cleandream, Cleanfear, Cleanhavoc, Cleanu)


If you wish to join the Alliance chapter make a post request HERE.

Alliance guilds are on Anvilmar/Undermine servers. The Anvilmar and Undermine realms will join the Alterac Mountains, Balnazzar, Gorgonnash, The Forgotten Coast, and Warsong realms. So that gives you extra servers that can be invited to OTG guilds.

Once we verify your request, we will send you a PM with the information on how to get an in-game invite. Please follow those instructions. Once we authorize your request we will note it in the thread.


“The Old Timers Guild” (A&U=Anvilmar & Undermine) and “The Ole Timers Guild” also on Anvilmar Guild Chat is now linked across 3 of our guilds. Greenwall is an addon that is Strongly Recommended for everyone to install in order to enhance the guild chat experience. A simple install of this addon bridges the chat from ALL guilds.

Note to those who do not install this Strongly Recommended addon, we can NOT see any requests for help, invites, questions etc… if we are playing in the other guilds. Only the members in the guild you are logged into can see your chat.

You can get the addon on your favorite addon site/program.

Q: What do I do with the addon after I install it?
A: Well, it works just fine with no adjustments needed.