We’re getting a wipe in 3.15. Todd Papy had said back in December that we would definitely be getting a wipe this year.
Currency Data Hotfix
- With help from the player base, the root cause of this problem has been identified and resolved.
- Players logging in after 23:20 UTC on September 13 should now see the most up-to-date aUEC values on their account.
- aUEC lost when the bug was active is not able to be recovered.
Alpha 3.15 Database Wipe
- In 3.15, Long Term Persistence (LTP) will be broken up into three parts: Items, Wallet (aUEC), and Reputation.
- Going forward, specific parts of LTP can be wiped without affecting any other parts.
- All three parts of Long Term Persistence will be wiped in 3.15.
- All your account attributed items (purchases, subscriber flair, rewards, etc.) are safe.
- Ships bought with in-game money will be wiped; they are under the ‘Items’ pillar.
Why is the wipe necessary?
The primary reason is due to the upcoming changes to how items and inventory work (which you can learn about in tomorrow’s ISC).
Players have been accumulating wealth in the PU with no economic sinks to balance it. Wiping will put all players on the same level.
This wipe may fix some account-related issues that players have been unable to resolve using character resets.
We are also currently exploring the possibility of awarding aUEC post-wipe to those who participated in XenoThreat.