Why has Ancient Roman Concrete stood the test of time?

I am not sure how many folks would be interested in this, but since Roman concrete seems to have been a highly durable material used throughout their world for their engineering/building projects, I found this article to be immensely interesting and wanted to share it with anyone here who might also find it of interest.

I have to admit that I am an avid researching nut. My first choice of college degree path was actually Engineering. Which I figured would lead me to computer engineering and similar subjects. However, because the school changed all that by eliminating engineering from their curriculum entirely, I had to find a new avenue to pursue.

So many of us needed to find another study path. I chose art which lead me eventually into light media (photography and development) and ceramic studies with a focus on pottery. Long story short, I eventually landed in the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University studying under some of the most talented ceramists I’ve ever seen. Many of whom were internationally connected and had their own work in galleries all over the globe.

But my interest in engineering never really left me since I found myself involved in ceramic glaze-clay calculation and development. Which brings me to my current topic on the compilation of ancient materials that are still viable centuries after being created, such as ancient Roman concrete. After all, concrete is a mixture of various materials to create a final product for building, very similar to clay.


The way they made roads was quite interesting as well

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I have been to Rome Italy a couple of times and the Pantheon is pretty amazing, well the whole city is pretty amazing really. Would love to go again. Thanks for the article, and hopefully their research will give us something useful.

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