Where is everybody?!

3.18.2 has been really smooth so far. I haven’t encountered any major hiccups. Anybody been in game?

Soooo, Starfield was shit

Not shit, but not far from it.
I expected as much.
It was ok for what it was but the ending was fucking sad. Total garbage writing there.
Gameplay was not terrible over all. It just lacked a lot for a company that is usually a lot better at story telling.

No that’s fair; I made a provocative statement to see if I could get some responses! But all the ridiculous hype, all the fools saying it was going to be everything Star Citizen was not, that it was the next and only great space game worth getting, and so on. I suppose to be fair it was everything that SC was not – a game loading simulator, a staid, unimaginative series of rooms you teleported into with zero sense of being in a huge universe, no actual ship flying to speak of, terrible space combat. I said right at the beginning that Starfield was going to be Fallout in space and of course that’s exactly what we got.

Playing this past week was both fun and frustrating. First the bad, game crashes with the loss of cargo have bankrupted my player twice, in addition to the loss of flair from placement in ships and character death. On the upside, flight is becoming more comfortable. I’ve focused on courier/cargo runs and it’s changing my perspective of ships suitable to my gameplay. I’m likely melting the majority of the fleet that was acquired based on imagined gameplay, and focusing on small to medium utility & cargo ships. I’m also no longer concerned about LTI. This week I’ll start from scratch (after last night’s bankruptcy) with a focus on ground combat and exploration. I’m rotating store credit to try small purchasable ships and vehicles, melting the ones I don’t like. Cheers.

That’s interesting, but aren’t you just reconfiguring your fleet to accommodate the gameplay loops and mechanics that are currently in the game? You might come to regret losing certain ships that will be good for future game loops.

Also, why are you no longer concerned about LTI?

On LTI, it’s because I’m 10 years older from when I pledged, and no longer look at the game as invested. Now it’s pixels to destroy for fun and I crash lots (spectacularly), plus insurance can be bought in game I think. My perspective didn’t change overnight. For whatever reason I’m having more fun not worrying.

You’re correct on fleet configuration. I find the larger ships are cool but not practical for introverted gameplay. Mid-sized ships like the Corsair appear to be ideal. I currently have the Polaris, Arrastra, Galaxy, Medivac, 600i, Star Runner, Corsair, Taurus and Titan. The first 3 will be melted. Already melted are the Merchantman, Carrack and Hulls, not all at once (I invested about $3k back in 2013 and have attractive CCU’s to work with). Unexpected additions are the Taurus (great hauler) and Titan (great courier).

On gameplay:
…I’m not a shooter but want to try it this week.
…I’m not a fighter pilot but the ships are fun to fly, I may grab a super hornet because… great balls of fire
…On utility, I no longer want to mine but folks appear to be enjoying salvaging, so I’m trying the vulture next
…on support, I’m keeping the Medivac for OTG, but won’t get into random support & repair because… introvert.

I should get back onto discord and OTG in game for meet-ups now. Crashes aside, I think the game has progressed enough to have some fun with.

Your perspective is really interesting, thank you for sharing.

It has made me think a little about my fleet (72 ships), especially since I’m primarily a solo player and like you perhaps, a bit introverted. I want to play with others but only if I know them well and trust them, and since I can’t even persuade my 2 sons, who are rabid gamers, to join me (often), it might be time for me to think on too.

That said I’m an explorer at heart and, while I may be dead before CIG implement any proper exploration gameplay (if they do at all, which I’m beginning to doubt) so I want to keep at least a couple of my big ships to use as a mobile base, at the very least. One thing I’ve enjoyed doing as a single player is to take out the Carrack, for example, go to a moon and pick up a C8 or MPUV, put it in the Carrack then do bunkers and other missions by landing the Carrack a few kms from the target, taking out the smaller ship, doing the mission then returning to the Carrack to land in the hangar. It’s a great feeling to be flying back to your big ship once a mission is done and feels quite epic IMO. Also, the whole loading of smaller ships will be easier soon once they have sorted out the freight elevators and personal hangars, both of which are imminent.

One thing I’ve found is that I take the Avenger Titan out probably 90% of the time, and only ever really use any of the other ships for a bit of a change. I really actually dislike the looks and layout of it, but it’s so incredibly versatile and is probably the best ship in the game in terms of having 2 entrances, cargo space, a bed, it’s zippy and can do bounties, etc.

I feel the same about mining as you do - I had daydreams of taking out my Prospector on solo mining trips and just whiling away my days but I just don’t enjoy the mining gameplay loop. People say it’s chill but I find it stressful. I do enjoy salvaging (it has that Powerwash simulator feel) and now think that the Vulture is my favourite ship in my fleet, I just love how industrial it feels, and like the Titan it’s very versatile.

See you in the Discord! If you want to do any multicrewing, I’d always be up for it.

I hear you guys on the intorvert thing. I also prefer the solo life but I do have a small group of old guys in my area that group together with me to man my bigger ships. Any ship that has a max crew of 5 works great for us. For Prospector mining at this time…go with a Hofstede mining head and a Focus 3 module. Mine in the Asteroid belt to avoid griefers and pirates. Best way to get back to that relaxing mining mode. Don’t think it will compare to the scrapping though when 3.22 comes out and you can crunch the whole ship into salvage. Strip the skin with power wash and then crunch the hull for max credits.

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I’m on discord all the time, OTG discord that is. Also in game all the time. Username is Vusion.

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Greetings OTG! I have been a “Lost” member of the OTG Star Citizen community for a long time. My personal situation with work and life in general over-rode my ability to hang out. Anyways, I am approaching retirement in the next 12 - 18 months or so and I wanted to reconnect with you all. So let me redo my introduction:

I reside in Germany as an expat American
My German language skills are adequate
I’ve been a SC backer since Oct 2013
My Fleet
Hull C
Freelancer Dur
Nox (2)

I have not logged into SC for 6 years, but have been listening ( podcasts ) and observing ( YT, reddit ) the project thru all the years. Its still going to be a bit until I build a new system and acquire the requisite peripherals. But what I am looking to do in SC is crew a lot of vessels, and become familiar with their operations.
I am going to try to log into the forums here and fire up discord and do the best I can to get to know you all, and obviously thru that let you get to know me.

Happy Holidays, stay safe, and be well…