What MMO/MMORPG are people playing (Guild members) playing the most right now?

I’m on Mangler, @Elmin. Taking a small break before Velious releases on there.

I’ve last played p 1999, but since playing Witcher 3, I’ve stopped. Will go back once Witcher finished, until Pantheon alpha starts.

There’s a good group playing Lotro on Gladden and Arnor servers.

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Can a player progress solo in LOTRO when a team is unavailable? I had a couple people tell me that a player could not progress playing solo.

We are having a difficult time in BDO, trying to get a question answered in general chat has been almost as difficult as pulling teeth :slight_smile: The combat system is also difficult to use with all of the required key-combinations.

BDO is very complex. So yeah, getting questions answered can be hard. The BDO Discord and the in-game guild channel are probably a better place to get actual answers.

And the combat system takes a lot of getting used to. I’m mostly focused on the so called ‘lifeskills’ (gathering and making stuff), because I quite frankly suck at combat.

Solo play is much more common than group play in Lotro, so “yes” is generally the answer. Even the more difficult instances feature a solo version.

We would love to be able to ask questions in the in-game guild channel but my wife’s application is held up for some reason. ~shrug~ We would be in the channel if we were allowed to be.

Hi @Groogo, you might also consider joining the crew starting WoW Classic, which goes live on Monday. I won’t be playing BDO much, or anything else for that matter, once it launches. I’m not sure how many are planning to play, but guild activity will be quite active!

There’s a WoW Classic section on the forums. I hope this helps!

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I play MapleStory 2, it’'s pretty fun. I’m in a guild there, not affiliated to OGO.

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Was about to start a new thread though figure this works.

Any quality Mythic aged, DAOC type collection of OTG members in an MMO of that setting? I am really, REALLY missing real MMO PvE, RvRvR type allegiance, community, and yes, even the grind, if with friends! At a loss and bumming pretty rough.

Anything fitting above exist?


Been playing LOTRO on Angmar legendary server. Happiest I have been in an MMO in years.

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Mostly Black Desert Online/Mobile (new Deadeye class is hella fun), Fallout 76, and Tower of Fantasy as well as FFXIV and SWTOR off and on.

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FFXIV for over 10 years now.

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Now I know who to hit up with questions. :wink:

I got back in SWTOR for a bit, but petered out mostly when the new content ran out. Got back into LotRO as well, but the constant lag is killing my desire to play.

Pantheon and Ashes of Creation are the two I’m looking at the most for the future.

If Ashes releases before I am ashes myself, I am looking forward to this game.

Outside that, I picked up LOTR / Return to Moria that extends servers open to join, private, or offline. Enjoyable so far though it’s certainly not the MMO setting desired. Finished another great story / linear rich Dragon Age Veilguard. Highly recommend! Fun playthrough with enough offshoot quests to keep some freedom in the game play.

Tried to get back into New World though a bit of a PITA to figure the OTG server, etc. stuff that can be accomplished though not really driving my time to complete.

UGH! Old school, pre-cookie cutter SWG or a good quantity player base, staffed server for a DAOC server would be enjoyable.
Feel at a loss currently.

I had to chuckle when I re-read my response from 2019. That was the year I retired and moved, so it was a busy one, but I did, indeed pick up FFXIV again and have been playing it ever since. It was a good call!

However, it’s a bit slow right now, so I’ve been playing more single player games than usual for the past 8 months or so. The release of DA:V sent me down an old Bioware game rabbit hole, replaying DA:I, and then DA2, and now the Mass Effect series, which I somehow never played when they were current.

No new or upcoming games really have my attention at the moment, alas.