Welcome To The WoW Classic Chapter

We currently have two guilds in WoW Classic. Horde is on Mankrik and Alliance is on Pagle.

To request an invite, please post in the appropriate forum sections for your faction,

Horde - Mankrik

Alliance - Pagle

in discord in the <#Classic> channel in the WoW section,

Or find a recruiter in-game. Recruiters and their alts names are in the staff list.

Donations for Guild Bank Purchase
We are currently saving up for a guild bank when BCC hits. Please send any donations to Kelryth on Horde or Alliance

Ingame/B.net Chat
We have a group chat that can be accessed outside of the game and from within the game. See forum post for details and invite link.

Classic Horde/Alliance Group Chat

Thanks and have fun! :slight_smile: