Wall of PvE Progression: "The Bragging Hole"

Malandri’s First Tempest Heart Clear


Hellfire Savage Fiendish

Scags on Tuesday sent me this…

First guild group M1 Depths.

Almost everyone was in full corruption ward gear w/ full Amythest. Even at the cost of gear score.

Azaghael 613 GS GA/HA [No Weapon Perks / Full Corruption Ward]
Sonickat 611 GS VG/LS (DPS) [Full Corruption Ward]
Caetlyn 616 GS - LS/VG (Heals) [No Weapon Perks / Full Corruption Ward]
Phingers 625 GS - [No Corruption Wards]
Neyland 617 GS - SnS/Hammers [Full Corruption Ward]




Sonickat - 622 - Full Corruption Ward - All Weapon Perks (Tank)
Awduum - 613 LS/VG (Heals)
Colarnin2 - 619 - Full Corruption Ward (Spear/Bow)
Caetlyn - 610 - Full Corruption Ward - VG/LS (DPS)
Warvar Bloodrager - 612 - Corruption Ward (3 Weapon Perks) GH/GA

Super clean run with unforutnate cleave that snowballed on Thorpe… but grats on first clear!

Clarification: I was in full Corruption Ward with 3 weapon perks. (GA/WH) :slightly_smiling_face:

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9 seconds :frowning:

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Please update my record to include a R1 completion of Tempest’s Heart. I don’t recall the date but it was the week when it was released.

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Caspian Dantes’ first group running with the guild.
First Tempest Heart run.
Full clear - no wipes straight through. Great job!

Thanks Azaghael, Warden Nyyx, Techrising and ManuelB for a great run! My first M2 run (Fergus1). :slight_smile:

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Colarnin First full guild level 60 expedition. No Deaths. No Wipes. What a champ! As a tank!


Congratulations Papicaptaine on finishing Tempest Heart.
Gratz Cole on sticking with it and tanking through TH!

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I believe this is Dame’s first time tanking a nutator


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Caspian filled in for Awduum in our late night group. First time running mutated Depths.


Col, War, and Casp - first M2 Depth.

Scagss - Full Pug - First M2 Gold

Scagss M3.