New Guide Event!
From the guide forums:
“Kaithren Voditi, post: 425913, member: 25960” A visitor is making her way over to Gorowyn in hopes of finding help for a fundamental problem. If you are interested in helping her, you can meet with her at 10:00pm PT on Thursday, September 6, 2018.
More guide quests!
This one is good for lots of status - can only be done once:
From guide forums:
From guide Kaithren Voditi:
Kaithren Voditi:
Two guide events from Kaithren Voditi - looks like Newsies and Guide’s Guide!
From Guide Kaithren Voditi:
Kaithren Voditi:
From our HoF guide, Kaithren Voditi:
More from our HoF guide, Kaithren Voditi:
(^^^Hint: Newsies!^^^)
This will be fun! from guide Gediva:
Happy Nights of the Dead, everyone!
You are cordially invited to a holiday spooktacular celebration in the Guide’s Lounge on Thursday, November 1st, at 6 pm PDT Wear your best costume and come partake in some tricks and treats! The party will last for about 45 mins-1 hour, so don’t miss out on your chance to give us a good fright! Come say goodbye to Nights of the Dead this year with us in the Lounge!
We’ll be giving instructions on how to get there once the party starts, so be sure to keep a close eye on the General chat channel for details!
Hope to see you there!
More fun with guide events.
Guide Kaithren Voditi:
Good morning adventurers!
I have some news to share about visitors coming to Norrath here shortly!
* It is said that there are stirrings in Maldura and that a representative is making his way topside. Rumor is he is seeking help from those to provide assistance to Maldura. Should you wish to lend him your aid, meet with him in Greater Faydark at 5:00pm PT on Thursday, November 8, 2018.
* A seer will be in the Obol Plains looking for those wishing to help her seek out those in her visions. Should you wish to aid her meet with her on Friday, November 9, 2018 at 5:00pm PT.
[quote=“Kaithren Voditi, post: 428367, member: 25960”]
* A Dwarf with an obsession will be in Butcherblock Mountains looking for some help with some research on traditional Dwarven artifacts. If you are interested in helping him, meet with him at 3:00pm PT on Thursday, November 8, 2018.
* After much searching in the libraries of Norrath, a visitior with a love for lore has found a story that they would love to share with their fellow Norrathians. If you love lore and would like to hear the tale, meet with them on Thursday, November 8, 2018 at 10:00pm PT in the Sinking Sands.
Guide Kaithren Voditi, post: 428613, member: 25960
Good morning fellow Norrathians!
* Last week a vistor came by and shared with you a tale of lore. It looks as though they will be back again to share with you the second half of the story. For those interested in hearing tales of lore, stop by Antonica at 10:00pm PT on Thursday, November 15, 2018.
* It appears that yet again a Dwarf with an obsession for fine objects will be in Butcherblock Mountains looking for some help with his research. If you are interested in helping him, meet with him on Friday, November 16, 2018 at 3:00pm PT.
Check these out! At least one of them (likely to be Kylong or Stonebrunt) is the new Guides Guide to the Celestial Realms which awards a 72-slot bag! (Also the quest will only be offered for two weeks, if I understood correctly.)
From guide Kaithren Voditi, post: 428688, member: 25960
Good morning my fellow Norrathians!
I have heard tales of some visitors making their way to Norrath…
* A Halfling with many fruitfull ideas will be in Butcherblock Mountains on Thursday, November 15, 2018. They are looking for adventurers to help them with a pressing issue. If you would like to lend your aid, meet with them at 3:00pm PT.
* A visitor is seeking hardy adventurers for help on a celestial scale. They will be in Kylong Plains on Monday, November 19, 2018 at 10:00am PT if you would like to lend them your aide.
* On Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 5:00am PT, there will be a visitor coming to Stonebrunt Highlands. They are seeking help from those that are bold and brave for a task not for the faint of heart.
Kaithren Voditi, post: 428803, member: 25960
* It appears that yet again a Dwarf with an obsession for fine objects will be in Butcherblock Mountains looking for some help with his research. If you are interested in helping him, meet with him on Friday, November 16, 2018 at 3:00pm PT.[/quote]
There has been a slight setback for the visiting Dwarf tonight. They will be arriving late, 8:00pm PT tonight (Friday, November 16, 2018).
Kaithren Voditi, post: 428830, member: 25960
Greetings my fellow Norrathians!
I have here in my hand holds up her hand in the air a scroll given to me by a town crier of sorts. It contains whisperings of travelers coming to parts of Norrath seeking help from those whom are fearless and brave.
lowers her hand, unrolls the scroll, and begins to read it aloud
* On Monday, November 19, 2018 a scholar from the Great Library will be in Kylong Plains. She is seeking aid from any adventurer that is willing to help her. Meet with her at 10:00am PT.
* A Barbarian is on a mission to recruit those that are not faint of heart. You will find him in Stonebrunt Highlands at 5:00am PT on Tuesday, November 20, 2018.
* A Dark Elf will be in Kylong Plains with a challenge for those willing to take it on. Meet with her on Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at 7:00am PT.
* On Thursday, November 22, 2018 a Dwarf can be found in Moors if Ykesha with a challenge for those whom are brave and love to see new places. Meet with him at 9:00am PT.
* A Gnemlin his making his way from the underground seeking help from those above to aid the citizens of Maldura. Do you think you have what it takes? Meet with him in Greater Faydark on Friday, November 23, 2018 at 4:00pm PT.[/quote]