As a lot of you know I am on SSID. I was alerted that all of US had their ssn exposed. one of the counter measures is to freeze your credit accounts. I am calling to see what they say and will probably follow suit.
While SSN information is pretty important, these days NOT being/having information on the dark web would be a practical impossibility. I’d keep an eye on credit scores and such, but going beyond that is a bit on the extreme. Only way to NOT be in this pool is if you live off the grid in the mountains someplace, or your own private island
The best way to protect yourself is to put a credit freeze on all your credit reports with the three credit reporting bureaus.,, and
If you’ve never done this read on.
Go to each website and establish a free account. (They will all try to sell you credit monitoring services but a subscription account is not required to manage credit freezes.) Each site has a process to navigate but the singular goal is to put a permanent freeze on your credit report with all three credit bureaus.
No one can establish credit in your name without first getting the freeze lifted.
You can do a temporary lift on your credit freeze anytime you need to apply for credit.
Checking your full credit report is better than just looking at your credit score. Your credit score is a simple number creditors use for reference to establish interest rates, credit limits, etc. Your full credit report has all the history on your personal information and every credit account you have ever established. If you’ve never looked at your credit reports before it’s a good exercise to see just how much information there is and know what it is your creditors see.
Reviewing your full credit report from all three agencies is the best and only way for you to ensure the information is accurate. Each credit reporting bureau has a way to dispute and correct the information on your credit reports. You’d be surprised how many errors and inaccuracies can accumulate over decades of time.
You can access all three reports for free once a week at
You can also see if your SSN has been compromised by using This is the best site I have found that will show you what’s there without trying to make you pay to see it all.
Plenty of cybersecurity websites (including pentester) will try to sell you services to monitor and get your personal information off the internet. But all they can do is send letters on your behalf to companies requesting your information be removed from their database. As @coalfax has said, nothing can be done to get information off the darkweb.
Your best Captain America Shield to protect your SSN and credit is to put a permanent freeze on all your credit reports.
I’ve had it that way for 15 years now, and I sleep well at night for it.