Trying to reconnect to Battlehawke & other old friends from early DDO, AC, AC2

I’m hoping some old friends from Asheron’s Call & early DDO days are still active here so I can reconnect with them. (We weren’t yet in OTG when playing AC, but joined around the time we started DDO). I played mostly under the handle Dilvish. One of those friends (edit: Battlehawke, I finally remembered) was very active here & an officer in the guild. Another friend from those days who might still be here was Nick / Nixxter from the Chicago area.

To everyone else, Hail!

Dilvish / Eric


Heya, been here since we started DDO in alpha/beta. Also was a player in AC and AC2 (Harvestgain) loved em both. Funny one of my alts was/is named Divlish due to your tag not being available. Wish I was more helpful,


I was on AC Harvestgain also, Dilvish was my main there. I was sooo into that game lol.

That’s the ingame name of the friend I was trying to reach here; enough reminiscing about Harvestgain finally brought it back. He and I met at the AC acid pits, we both liked to farm there.

Now that I remember his gaming handle, I can see that it looks like Battlehawke hasn’t logged in here for the past 5 years, so I guess I’m down to hoping that someone here is still in touch with him.

AC was my first MMO. A great intro to MMO’s and many fond memories of play and friends. I had my own guild and was a member of a different one (LOA). Played on the Morningthaw server. Even now in other games, I still shudder when coming across a cave and the potential to attract a swarm of Olthoi.

I miss playing with Battlehawk as well. He left DDO for personal reasons right about 5 years ago. I felt like it had something to do with them allowing evil items and chars but he didn’t say that. It would be cool if he came back.

I think Battle moved over to Black Desert Online, you might try over there.

Thanks for the suggestion. It seems though like OTG doesn’t have an active forum specifically for Black Desert Online (or I would try to check for other folks that might have stayed in touch with him; he doesn’t appear to have been active on any of the OTG forums after ~2018), and if he joined the official BDO discord it wasn’t with some variation of Battlehawke as his username. Drat

DDO was my 1st OTG MMO. I remember w3hen the guild held “Newbie Nights” to welcome new players ingame. I also used to do naked spine runs with Sun Tsu, MidasTouch, BigMike, and rfchini (Roger). I remember BattleHawk as well. Unfortunately, I stopped playing for a while…Right after the Bizarre was attacked (2009 or 2010?). when I came back recently, I had to start from scratch, because I lost access to my old account. :frowning: