The equinox is upon us!

Received an email about SWL today - in typical FunCom fashion the main website isn’t updated yet.

Anyway, haven’t logged in for awhile, as you can only do the same stuff so many times over almost seven years and still have hope FC will actually put out more content - real content!

Probably will be checking in to see what’s what with the Druids of Avalon…Otherwise off busy with Fallout 76 lately. Hope all of you are doing great!.


Each equniox the Druids of Avalon arrive in Agartha seeking assistance with the defense of their home. Speak to your local envoy to be assigned your training mission and daily task. Complete daily missions for chances at unique rewards, including a special agent dossier and equinox-exclusive Legends!

Sounds interesting. Guess I should dust off SWL and check it out.