Oh, golly, did I miscalculate the grind required. I’m a bit perplexed who at Wargaming thought that folks would want to spend this holiday season chained to their keyboard grinding like a fiend?
The official word from Wargaming: “[PSA] An apology for poor event presentation and a bit of spreadsheet.”
In fairness to myself, I do agree with their observation that it was not adequately communicated that the Gorizia is the “free” Christmas ship, the fantastic dockyard is a campaign with rewards along the chain, but that the final reward is extremely difficult to obtain:
This is an extremely grindy event. We know this; there is no denying the fact that this part of our NY update was designed with relatively small group of players in mind. And this is the exact reason why this New Year we decided to offer not one, but two premium ships to cater to different degree of activity and dedication: Puerto Rico and Gorizia. But again, we fully admit that we failed to make it clear from the start, which raised people’s expectations. Simply put, Gorizia should have been given much more attention in presentation and organization of this event.
I’m hesitant to complain about free stuff, it’s a shame that they were so excited about the beautiful dockyard and the event that they didn’t make it more accessible or adequately communicate their financial expectations from it.
I do think they’ve provided some good Christmas season enjoyment, it’s a shame that the dockyard and Puerto Rico turned a nice event into such a disappointment for so many.
We still believe that this event offers everyone a wide selection of different activities, bonuses and items: a tier VII premium ship, four researchable tier VI ships, Premium time, Coal, Steel and Santa’s Gift containers for Snowflakes, Directives, Shipyard stages rewards and Daily Shipments as well as Clan Brawls and Ranked Sprint rewards.
Thankfully they did provide more guidance on how the math all works out, I expect that I’ll need all three boosters to complete the process … I’ll consider if I’ll just take what I can get from the rewards along the way of casually enjoying the shipbuilding chain, or if, since I’m already in for the first booster, I want to go ahead and get the other boosters.