Steam Group Spam

Just FYI, steam group is getting spammed like crazy. I had to leave due to getting all of the popups.

Yes, I’ve been working furiously to delete them as they come up and I’m working to get Officer/admin rights from the current owner @Draznar.

Thank you for your patience.


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Can we exert legal pressure on Steam to get control of this group?

@hossman @ProvokeMe @Eviee @Cefwyn @Thisnthat

I’d prefer to try to exhaust all options to get in touch with Draznar if possible. My contacts with him in the past were positive.

I don’t know if he’s even the owner. Just the first name on the Officer list. I asked Benbrada to see if he had access to modify our access yesterday but he was unsure of the process. I found and pasted him a documentation link I found on the steam forums, so I’ll have to see if he had any luck.

For the record: I friend requested Draznar on steam, I messaged him here in the forums, I tagged him in one of the posts here, and then I emailed him this morning based on his registration email for the forums.

Good work all! I never had a problem with the OTG group unitl now (but honestly, not that I use it much).

I got draznar and he gave me officer rights as he is the owner. Now I can remove the users at the very least. I asked him to turn off public posting of announcements. Hopefully he can do that too.

Woot! Nice job.

Sorry I have not been much in the forums. Need some officers from the forums I can make officers.

How does one join up with the Steam Group? I’m very active on Steam and would like an actual group of friends on there haha.

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With the increase of spammers on Steam, I locked the group down. While purging non-members would be a pain, I want to see about setting up a process. I guess I should also see about becoming an officer again…

Brecken79, if you did not join before I locked it down. Apply and message me here with your Steam name.

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Do we want to look into doing a purge of the group? Would like to give people a chance to either reactivate their OTG accounts or apply before doing.

I am fine with posting something here and as an announcement, comment, everything that you need to register your steam name on a forum to get access. And it’s as simple as requesting it in said forum. Should be an easy, if not manual process. It may require reworking some of the permission structure to allow for more granularity. There are 4 or 5 levels of customization, iirc.

Thanks. Just requested to join under LakrsFn24

Just FYI, I’m in the steam group and log into Steam on the semi regular (at least twice a week) if you need a hand.

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I pointed the group to the following and will be tracking:

I denied all pending access requests.

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