Specialist Crafting - briefly stated process, pre 5.0

[Maker’s Mark, Comfort Zone, Inner Quiet, Whistle While You Work] - Tricks of the Trade (where possible)

Progress push
[Steady Hand II, Patient Touch, Piece by Piece x3, Hasty Touch II] - Precise Touch (where possible)

Inner Quiet & CP push
[Heart of the Specialist, Comfort Zone, Master’s Mend II] - Satisfaction, Tricks of the Trade, Precise Touch (as applicable)

Progress, Inner Quiet & CP push
[Comfort Zone, Flawless Synthesis ad nausea, Heart of the Specialist (as needed, CP allowing)] - Satisfaction, Trained Hand, Tricks of the Trade, Precise Touch (as applicable)

Inner Quiet & CP push
[Nymeia’s Wheel, Steady Hand II, Hasty Touch II (as needed)] - Tricks of the Trade and/or Precise Touch and/or Prudent Touch (as applicable)

[Great Strides, Innovation, Ingenuity II, Byregot’s Blessing, (CS II or CS III if needed)] - Tricks of the Trade (as applicable)

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